To me, it is only logical that time and gravity will take toll on our darling pair of boobies.
Then this morning I found this article on iVillage newsletter.
Saggy breasts: Will they ever perk up again after weaning?
by Debbi Donovan, IBCLC (see more from this expert)
Q:I have a post-breastfeeding question. I breastfed my baby for seven months. I just weaned him over a month ago. My breasts have gone down almost to my original bra size. However, they do not look or feel anything like they did before I breastfed. They are very saggy for one thing. They also feel so empty. I know I'm used to them being full of milk, but this is like there is nothing inside of them -- not even breast tissue. Will they ever perk up again?
A:It can be surprising after weaning (or after pregnancy, in non-nursing moms) to see how your breasts have changed. Breast changes occur in all women as they age, and not just in women who have given birth (or breastfed).
How your breasts change during a pregnancy is related to genetics, skin elasticity and amount of weight gain. Avoidance of smoking and excessive sun exposure can help the skin to retain its elasticity.
Breastfeeding often gets blamed for the sagging of breasts. Actually, it is pregnancy and not nursing that affects the shape and size of your breasts. Breastfeeding and gradual weaning make it more likely that fat will be redeposited in your breasts, helping them to regain more of their pre-pregnancy appearance (Minchin, 1989).
Usually by about six months after weaning, your breasts will have returned to more of their pre-pregnancy look. They also will feel more dense, as fatty tissue begins to fill them out again.
Read more:,,3wvw,00.html?nlcid=pb|10-26-2009|#ixzz0V4zBo9Hz
yup true2.. its the pregnancy not nursing. thats why skang i pakai bra hebat dipasaran. kalu blum naik sepenuhnye pon atleast bra yg santek and seksi tu mbuat i look seksi hehehehehe.
ye...betul..tapi still ada org yg slh fhm and beri alasan tanak bf their baby sbb takut breast landut..huhu..
in my case, I dont even own any nursing bra@!~ *clap-clap*
kelepuk kene btg hidung eheh..*balik jap lagi nak simpan dah nursing bras* hahahaha
ala yatie suruh cantik..kalau beli nursing bra cantik2 ropol2 geli2 & warna merah menyala tu pun dah ok dah tu..kihkihkih..janji kita dpt selami perasaan we r happy...surely hubby pun tumpang happy..kihkihkih..
yes agreed! coz i bf my son for just a while, takde rezeki but my boobies still changed. so breastfeeding is not to be blamed for sure
hmmm another question yang tak berapa related, my hubby said underwired bra not good for the boobs, tah mana dia dengar tah. betul ka?
drama mama--> see..ur a living proof of BF should be blamed.
about the bra..actually underwire cause no harm, kalau kita beli yg betul2 sesuai dgn bentuk boobs. pilih bra bukan ikut size..selalu kena pilih ikut fit. sometimes ada underwire, lain yg fit kita compare to yg takde wire. yg bahaya tu kalau the wire restrict proper flow of blood or poking2 boob kita..tu mmg ada studies kata increase risk cancer.
Love this article! ;)
Setuju! Its pregnancy & overweight thingy yg menyebabkan sagging (clear giller about this lepas baca satu artikel ttg br3ast), bukan sbb BFing.
p/s : Nowadays, dah berlambak sexy nursing bras, yg hot pink, yg renda2 lagi. Dahlaa boobs pon full jerr (thanks to brastmilk!), jadi makin sexy gitu. Auwww... ;)
love this entry..hehe i pon kadang2 ade sedikit kerisauan pasal ni...nasib baik sudah terjawab
alahai...mommy semua ni wat i bersemangat nak pi beli new bra je.yg kaler nyala2 gitu..spy nmpk d malam hari..hehehe...
nway..i mmg setuju that bf CANNOT be blamed 4 the sag...there's few interesting exercise tau utk mencantekkkan smula boobies..hmmm..
nursing bra banyak dah cantik2 la Malaysian-made product.Check Fabulousmom..manyak cantik2...
X bf, chances kena breast cancer nak maner..takut saggy ker takut cancer? saggy tu due to pregnancy,kan..but x bf..hemm..boleh kena cancer...
betul betul betul! i yang tak directly breastfeed ni pun rasa breast dah lain..maybe sbb dok bra-less! haha..nasib laaa....
i dun mind... dah lumrah kejadian..kita usaha apa yg patut..hehhee.thks mama-miya for sharing this article
nursing bra pun dah banyak yang cantik2...mcm di Fabulous mom
kalo tak reti jaga,sagging la MEREKA.jgn salahkan BF kn?i bf my son smpai 10months relax je mantap lagi,kalah anak dara,u!
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