Here's some ideas:
1) Play "cave", "camping" or "pondok-pondok"
Tie or hang a large sheet above your dining table or anything that you can hang them on to. Buat ala-ala khemah. Put some teddies and treasures under the khemah, and go adventuring with your toddler! This will be lots of fun and in a way will educate your toddler to think creatively. There is no harm in indulging into some imagination.

2) Toddler fashion jewellery
Well since we are ladies and we love fashion & dress up, we can share our passion with out toddler tak kisah la anak kita girl or boy. So what can we do?
- Your toddler will adore making making necklaces untuk diri dia or untuk kita. Like Miya, dia pantang jumpa benda bertali-tali, mesti dia sarung kat leher dia ala-ala pakai nacklace/handbag. As an activity bersama anak, we can help our toddler thread some string through some penne pasta, some small doughnut-shaped cereal, buttons, rolls of paper, beads besar and anything that is suitable. You could paint the pasta first and talk about the patterns formed as you make the necklaces.
- Making handbags! get an old shopping bag or make your own using paper. then let your toddler decorate it.
3) Making train sets
As we all know, toddlers love train sets. I pun tak paham kenapa, but mmg common we see toddlers can sit for hours playing trains. So berbaloi kita ada train set untuk dia..tapi kan, not all parents could afford to be buying toys for their child.
As for us, we've decided that it is better to be spending money on books for Miya (ye la, menayampah, beli then kejap aje dia excited and lepas tu entah mana2 dia campak or ignore the toy) and so most of her toys, Miya & I will be making them. So we made our own train set. Very sempoi.
- get a few boxes like bekas telur, kotak ubat gigi, kotak door gift kenduri kahwin, kotak teh and apa-apa kotak yg kecil.
- Then make holes on the sides of the box and pull strings thru each box (macam masukkan beads dlm strings nak buat rantai tu la), tapi make sure the head is a box of the biggest size among them all.
- Bila dah siap, main la train2 dgn anak. For me & miya, sometimes dia jadi train, sometimes its kapal tunda and sometimes its a very big worm trying to kejar miya. You can choose apa-apa aje tema untuk bermain. So both you & anak will start thinking creatively while having lots of fun.
Selamat mencuba & don't forget, the main target is to HAVE FUN!!
Do share with us your activities so that we can try too.
wahhh...creative buat toys sendiri. i main jugak khemah2 tu sometimes with him. tapi i guna cushion sofa tu..
wawieee sound fun sgt! memang kan. sejak masuk jer 1 tahun development dorg mmg cepat sgt...
wahh kalu ade miya bleh auntie main mekap2.. ahhaha aritu sami amik earing i letak kt telinga i.. patu dia amik lipstick nk calit kat mulut dia alamakkk ahhahahahahha
tak sabar tunggu baby sn pandai merangkak..syok sikit nak main kejar2 n sorok2 cenggini hehe
miya dah besar laa...makeh shumil! *lama tak jenguk miya ek*
mmmm menarik gak aktiviti gini!harus ku cuba!
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