Wah..anak mama mengeja...Tapi silap ejaan la sayang.
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.
miahahhahah ape plak A D E badak bunyi nye miya cayang ekekekkek
wakakakakkakaka gila cute! kalau dapat take video and show it to her bila dia besar nanti mesti best.
just now i was showing irfan video of him merangkak dulu2. and then right after the video abeh he went to the spot where the video was taken and re-enact the scene. haha cute!
dia nak eja madagascar kot...hehehe
hehe, pandai betul miya ni..congratz n well done..nanti lama2, mama ajar, pandailah.
A D E..adik lah miya :-) mintak kat mama....
huhuhu.. best nya Miya dah pandai mengeja...
so cute! A D E = badak yer!!!
HAHAHAH pandai la miya nih.. sami xkenal pon badak hahahhaha
sangat cumil! dia nak eja badak tu, mmg betul la dia eja cuma dia tak mention B dgn K ;)
yg E tu pulak dia switch dari A sebabkan dia dah ada lidah oz :)
hehe ala2 oz accent gitu :)
well done miya...my aisyah suka tgk miya tau :)
so cute...hehehhe...mcm abg irvan eja la smua start g.e tp ble sbut bunyinye lain....lama2 pandai la kan...
hahahaha..sebut dah betul tu!
comel !!!
Miya reminds me on my childhood days..according to my elder siblings..me pernah eja like this M-O-N-K-E-Y, Monyet!
hahaha..bagus Miya! Teruskan usaha! :>
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