All the pictures above are Miya's recent hair styles. But today, Mama gave her a mini makeover. Mama potong rambut Miya...Kikiki..Nasib la kena potong rambut dengan stylist yang tak bertauliah.
This is Miya's 2nd haircut. The 1st one was when she was 7days old, when her Nenek shaved every single hair off her head.
Ever since then, her hair grow slowly and I think its a sign of mogok. Kikikiki..
But recently, her hair has turned into a scraggly mop. She hates having to brush her bangs off from her face. She hates wearing “pretties” to hold her hair back out of her face. I pakaikan hair clip, sekejap aje lekat. Then she will pull it off, unless she puts them in herself, which is not exactly an attractive look either. I suppose I could just get over myself and let her do what she wants with her hair, since it is her hair........
But I am a control freak. So this morning, I just cut off her bangs. Miya buat muka blur-blur aje, as if "Hoh..apa Mama buat ni?"
Almost every month kena potong rambut hadiff..
ingat nak biar panjang ja tp bila org tanya Hadiff ni baby girl ker boy...adeyy tu yg xtahan tu...
rambut Azam pl, lepas botak, terus tumbuh lebat kerinting...ahahahaha
ala miya auntie adore u laaaaaaaa.. huwaaa nak nangis sbb comel sgt. sami nye haircut pon sama cm miya kekekeke.. rambut ala ala malu nk tumbuh
rozy--> miya ni org slalu ingat boy..sebab rambut sikit..
as--> jealous la azam byk rambut.
ely--> kikiki..sammy & miya sehati sejiwa, kan?
before raya IHSAN gi botak kepala... abis je raya rambut dah pnjg blk... kepala dia jenis cepat berpeluh lak tuh... adussss... kene bestfren dgn kedai mamak gunting la jwbnye nih.... huhuhuhu...
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