Mystery Box is a fun game to play with your child.
1) Get a Box. I used a shoe box.
2) Make a hole on it of the size of your fist.
3) Decorate it if you want.

4) Get some tiny stuff that you want to show/teach your child.

5) Show the object to her and put it in the box. Make sure she is looking at what your are doing. Sambil tu kata "See this..mama is putting the crayon/mouse/toy into the box.."

6) Then get her to put her hand into the box and search for the object.

7) When she pulls the object/any object out. Ask her what is it and then tell her the name of that thing. "Wow.. Apa tu? Its a Crayon. A red Crayon".

We had lots of fun with this box and hope mommies out there will try it and share their experience here too.
bleh apply kat my nuha ni :)
menarik nie bole try test..
waah sangat bagusla idea ni..budak2 kan mmg curious bende2 tersembunyi :D good job mama miya!
good idea!!! selama ke nih sami guna baju i aje untuk simpan brg hahaha pas nih bleh main teka2.. nk cuba la blk nanti..
wah...best...best.. nak try nih..
nak try jugak lah.. :)
wah...bagusnyer.. educational dan cost effective too..hehehe...nak try...nak try... nanti i share..wah..
walla.mamamiya tenkiu for the idea.. banyak kotak kasut kat rumah ni bole la ajak luqman main..hehe
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