Truthfully... this is my 1st time joining giveaway, contest and etc. I spesis buta IT & tak cerah on most online savvy thingy ness. It took me quite a while to understand what is sticky mode, what is Tag, what is awards..Itu pun still byk benda I tak paham and that's why you see that my blog have never had those stuff going on in it..Kih kih kihs...Bukan bodo sombong, but Bodo Malas.
But since Hanz dah personally invited me, I cannot say No. So this is me giving my 1st try on a giveaway.
Back on topic, as most of kita member2 blogger know, Hanz is having Chatterbox 1st Anniversary Giveaway. Yelah kan, one of the best way to show love is to share. Sharing is caring and as we can see Hanz really care about Green. Tu yg dia beria sgt nak give away some "green stuff" for us mommies. Tak caye, check la sendiri kat blog dia. With this we can create a better future for our kids. Tak gitu? Gitu gitu gitu.. Anyway, on How to Join?
But since Hanz dah personally invited me, I cannot say No. So this is me giving my 1st try on a giveaway.
Back on topic, as most of kita member2 blogger know, Hanz is having Chatterbox 1st Anniversary Giveaway. Yelah kan, one of the best way to show love is to share. Sharing is caring and as we can see Hanz really care about Green. Tu yg dia beria sgt nak give away some "green stuff" for us mommies. Tak caye, check la sendiri kat blog dia. With this we can create a better future for our kids. Tak gitu? Gitu gitu gitu.. Anyway, on How to Join?
"Follow 3 Simple Steps below:
(extracted from Chatterbox's giveaway entry)
1) Write a post / entry in your own blog about my giveaway. Just 1 post, not more, not less. Please make sure, you put up linkable this giveaway link & my Chatterbox link as well.Invite your friends to join too. 2) Visit /Browse / Surf this Chatterbox as often as you like & by all means, for any post you will find it usefulness, help yourself to it but please let me know. I love to share anything that I know or experienced with others. Do get to know this Chatterbox & me, so...you can provide your opinion, views, ideas or whatever feedbacks, be positive or negative, I'm ok with it. 3) Leave your (i) blog link entry about this giveaway & (ii) your feedbacks on my Chatterbox's Content in this Giveaway entry at Vis-a-vis.(Comment) This giveaway starts on 15th of October & ends on 15th of November, 2009 @ 11:59pm (Malaysian time)"Ok... did I miss anything?
Gosh, my giveaway is your 1st giveaway? Then, I'm honoured! Thanks! Good luck!
haaaa u masuk contest hahahaha dh up sket la gitu.. i masih xreti masuk.. kelempap gak..
i masuk pun sebab hanz dah personally ajak..so join la.
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