Since last night I've been haunted by this one thought. We mothers have been doing our best in trying to bring up our children in this big world. We try to give the best affection, attention, clothing, food, education and etc. We would even trade our life for the safety of our offspring. Correct?
So, what if... our parents is a fugitive from the law. Our mother is a wanted woman accused of murder or stealing. Our father is being labeled as a war criminal or a spy from an enemy country....and they are now in hiding......and only we know where they are. Deep in you, you know that your parents are not capable of these crimes and if they did do it, they must have a real good reason behind it.
The law enforcer knows that we have such information, but they have no hard evidence to get us to spit out such info.
Then what if, one fine morning. The police come banging on your door with a warrant saying that you have committed a certain crime, say they there is a firm evidence that proves that you are a drug lord.... truthfully, everyone knows that it is a ridiculous.
However, (like in those hollywood interrogation scene) you were being beaten the crap out of u and then given the choice; to plead guilty to a life sentence or to give the location of your parents.
What would you do?
Now remember of what I wrote earlier about how much we would do, in order to make sure our children is safe from the cruel world....and now do you think that our parents did do the same thing for us when we were just a wee tiny creature on this earth.
And again my question...what would you do?
oh my God, bila pikir2 ni ada possibility tak anak will betray the location of the parents? when i look deep inside me i will hafta answer yes there's a possibility that we might betray, because parents love exceeds others, even that of their child. anak MUNGKIN akan betray parents but parents takkan betray anak. that's what i feel lah...
sebab tu lah, jasa ibu bapa ni tak terbalas kan...
agree with drama mama.parents will do anything for their child but it will not surely be vice versa. hope my lil angel will protect me as much as i'm protecting him right now
huh :( difficult life situations or tough times.. Parents sometimes do everything for their children but some child will not care for their parent.
wow..very2 hard to answer ni,
being a parents is really amazing.. but being a child sometimes the terms selfish and unfair tu mmg exist..
oh my...very difficult to answerlaaa...
tp i think i'd rather die than betraying them..
hemm..tough one..but kalau dah criminal & anak informed our whereabouts kita nak marah & kesal kat anak ker? If we had taught them all good things & morality yg bagus..takkan kita buat jugak benda x baik,kan? reminded me satu kes masa belajar contract law, yang father steal ubat untuk anak yang dah sakit teruk yg dia tak mampu nak pay..so camner...adakah si ayah perlu dihukum? kalu dia x mencuri kemungkinan anak boleh mati? so camner?
i teringat ebebrapa hari lps tgk satu movie kat tv nih, apa tajuk pun entah tak perasan, tp psl anak dia commit crime palsukan cheque, lakonan leonardo de caprio tu, pastu even kena buru serata tempat, bila police g umah tanya ayah dia, ayah dia jawab every father will protect his child. Cehh itulah kasih syg ayah pd anak, walaupun tahu anak dia commit crime. Boleh?
if it happen to me pun, i tak tahulah what should i do.. but bab protect anak sendiri tu, rasanya hampir kesemua parents akan buat mcm tu.
erk susah nak jawab soklan ni..kasih sayang parent to child mmg lebih la kan..tp harap2 kami takkan berada dalam keadaan mcm ni la..
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