No-Cook Playdough
1 cup flour,
1/2 cup salt,
1/2 cup water,
1tsp rosewater or pandan essence (nanti tangan anak bau wangi time main :D ) and f
ood colouring.
1)Mix well until it forms a ball.
2)Knead add food colouring if desired.
3)If sticky add some flour and if to dry add a small amount of water.
Cook Playdough (Last Longer than the non-cooked)
2 cups flour,
1/2 cup salt,
4 tbsp oil,
1/2 cup water,
1tsp rosewater or pandan essence (nanti tangan anak bau wangi time main :D ) and
food colouring.
1)Mix dry ingredients together.
2)Mix oil, food colouring and water in a saucepan.
3)Heat it until boiling point.
4)Scoop in 1/2cup of the dry ingredients into the boiling saucepan and stir until the mixture becomes rubbery. Turn off heat.
5)Mix with the remaining dry ingredients. Knead until smooth. If play-dough is too dry, add more water, a little at a time. If play-dough is too crumbly, knead in a small amount of oil.
Sy da pernah wat yg 'raw' playdough najiha tak suka plak nak maain, sy je yg lebih2 buat segala bagai bentuk..hehe. tak tau pula ada cooked dough, takpe, nnti try wat yg tu plak, manatau nnti2 najiha suka pula nak main. Tq for sharing mama miya.
oh boleh try nih. Nak guna plastesin risau lak, takut ada yg bawa masuk mulut. Lagipun bau dia kuat melekat gitu..thanx for teh sharing ya.. :)
mama miya.. thanks a lot! aritu ada nmpk kat blog seseorang tp dia xnak share resipi buat this playdough. xtau la knp dia xnak share. huhuh..
will cook it for my daughter soon. x sabar.
haa...bestnye ade yang home made!nanti nak cuba gak lah! ;)
(malas nak sign out akaun kedai, tgh edit entry hehe)
wah, thank you for this! will try soon. pakai apa2 flour pun boleh kan?
mila_ibu najihah--> mula2 dulu miya tak suka gak..dah lama2 tu dia ralik main. siap cucuk2 pencil on it macam buat sculpture lak.
mirah--> betul tu, plastesin tu bau kuat. i sendiri teringat bau dia time main kat tadika dulu. yg ni bau rose & pandan. :D kalo anak masuk mulut pun tak risau sgt. paling kuat dia terkerut2 sebab masin giler..hahaha.
liz--> sharing is caring kan?
catlina--> selamat mencuba..takpe malas log out tu, i bg u buat iklan free kat sini jap. :D
glam.mama--> tepung gandum the best. i read if nak add more clay-like texture, dia suruh add cornflour. these recipes r more like dough karipap. :D
nak try lah
ari tu ade dpt dlm forum
tp kena guna cream of tartar.. kakyong ni kan buta sket bab2 brg2 utk buat kek ni.. so xde la buat..
u punya resepi ni lagi mudah nak faham & senang nak buat.. bhn2 pun seme ade kat rumah..
mesti cuba... thanks.. :D
nak try lar jgk nnt...nak tanye mamamiya, yg cook tu brp lamer blh thn yer?skrg ni, i ada beli playdough untuk aiman n aqilah and they really like to play with that especially aiman.main benda ni mmg bgs sbb ajar kanak-kanak jadi nnt i nak cuba buat sendiri lar pulak...:)thanks for sharing...
wah playdough ni boleh dibuat sendiri.? baru tau harini :)
kak yong--> my recipe ni pun try2 aje gabung2 2-3ideas. so bila dah fullproof, i berani shar dgn u all. :D
ibuaiman--> kalo the cooked one & u store dlm fridge, boleh tahan 2-3bulan. Mine dah that old, takde kulat & tak bau masam. :D
yangyuyu--> ala texture dia tak sehebat the playdough yg jual tu & tak tahan lama gitu. but worth it la coz kita tau 100% chemical free. :D
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