We should be thankful that the nature (God of any name you believe in) has superbly planned the most astonishing invention...........The human brain.
Overtime, we think that we grow smarter as we grow older. Wrong!!
I quote something from Glenn Doman:
The older we get the harder it is to take in raw facts.
The younger one is the easier it is to take in raw facts.
It is easier to teach a five-year-old than it is to teach a six.
It is easier to teach a four-year-old than it is to teach a five.
It is easier to teach a three-year-old than it is to teach a four.
It is easier to teach a two-year-old than it is to teach a three.
It is easier to teach a one-year-old than it is to teach a two.
Yes it is true that by having this smart brain, that little human born into this world can take in and digest all-important facts at lightning speed. The child will have this vast storehouse of information to last a lifetime. Their little brain grows while sponging on the worldly facts we have exposed them to. Those facts will be the basis upon which knowledge and wisdom will grow and prosper.
However, this special offer from nature does not last forever. What we do not use, we lose. The fact that what we do not use, we lose is so well known that it is almost axiomatic in everything from biceps to algebra and needs no further amplification here.
Yes mommies... science and some researchers have proven says that all significant brain growth is finished by six years of age. From there on we grow wiser as we grow older.
So what can we do to make the most of this six years period?
The knowledge that the brain grows by use during the first six years of life and that we can grow the child's brain almost at will is not valuable, it is invaluable. Its priceless!!
The entire back half of the brain and spinal cord (the spinal cord is the ancient brain and parent to the pons, midbrain and cortex) is made up entirely of the five incoming sensory pathways. We can literally grow it by giving the child visual (see), auditory (hear), tactile (touch), olfactory(smell) and gustatory(taste) information with increased frequency, intensity and duration.
They are the pathways by which we gain all information. Use them and they will grow and become more mature and competent. Fail to use them during those six years and they will not.
Studies have shown that the brain capability grows by its use. Therefore the more information you put into it the better it can perform, and the more cross references it can make with that information.
When you improve one function of the brain you improve all functions of the brain to some degree!!!
So what are we waiting for, go do some brain stimulation activities with our kids before its too late. GO!!
Care to share your "brainy activities" with us in the comment box? Sharing is Caring.............
Coming up soon--> "HOW TO MULTIPLY YOUR BABY’S INTELLIGENCE? (Part 3 -6 things for the test of Humanity)"
salam....mamamiya..sy bg awak award....
ibudhani--> thank u very much..kiss kiss
i pon nk pass the same award. suka suki..
kiss miya.. i super bz.. cam nk mati.. patah pinggang.. zzzz
ely--> tqvm kiss kiss muah muah...jgn pengsan sudah ok..take care..
My son's more of a visual (pictures) and sound kid. He picks these 2 up very quickly and can associate it very well.
So it's more of a pictorial book and mummy & daddy will animate it with sounds. Otherwise it's whatever that is surrounding him.
Puzzles with shapes and colours keep him occupied too.
reitak-->sounds like u guys are having tonnes of fun. my girl cepat bosan. so i have to constantly find new activities to do. then bila dia dah lupa that previous activity, baru boleh do the activity again.
i tgh berkira2 nk introduce flashcard to baby SN. do u think it it a little bit early or its fine to introduce flashcard at his 10th months of age?
painting, drawing, claying...they all love this
yg first son tu dah lambat...
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