Deep frying chicken, nuggets, fries, fish finger, breaded seafood, vege tempura, karipap and many more food with just 1 tablespoon oil.
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.
same same same :)
plus a kenwood food processor and mixer
almost RM4K for kenwood tu
yg tefal deep fryewr ni berapa RM ye
salam ziarah ija
dh lama tak singgah sini since aisyah warded :)
salam CikWa. i pun tertanye khabar aisyah. hope byk positive progress.
fryer ni AU$300++ tak tau la kat msia brape.
food processor pun tgh mengintai2 ni coz blender yg ada ni menunggu hancur aje. :P
food processoer sgt cool tapi masa nak mencucinya..ya rabbi amatlah leceh :( banyak parts, tak mcm blender (cuma dua je yg nk dicuci..). blade beso lg..hmm...selamat membeli-memakai sepenuh hati :p
I would love to have a bread maker. my hubby said "buat apa, setakat boleh canai roti je". huhu
kalau kita beli, mesti mcm tak bape pakai. at the end dalam cabinet je jawabnya.
wah menarik sangat!! me pun teringin sudah... nnti intai harga dulu laaa
wahhhh...kelasss! serious ka guna a tablespoon of oil ja? bestnya akak nak satu jugakkkkk! ija blanja bole? hahaha
nak..nak..tapi mesti mahal.
bestnya kalau lh guna 1ts myk je nak goreng2...
wahh.1st time tau ada such kitchen gadget, 1 tb spoon? fuhh..jimat n sihat betul.
wow.baru tahu jugak! hehe.canggih2 electrical stuffs skang.bestnya if have one kan?
bes nye..memang dream ibu-ibu sedunia..hehehehe
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