Something I found and understood from Glenn Doman's writing, we should view our kids as if they are geniuses who was in a long coma. Their birth was the point at when they wake up from their coma.
For coma people, experts suggest many types of therapy for the patient to gain their functions again. Once they get a grip of the basic stuff, these people can continue their life to their desired potential.
View it as if Harvard or Stanford professor who has been in a long coma and suddenly woken from it. Do you think they will recover and then continue contributing to the academic world? Or do you think that they will never be able to contribute ever again? I'm so sure many of us will agree that with proper therapy, they will go back to teaching or researching as soon as humanly possible...kan?
Konsep ni sama aja dengan cara kita educate anak. Jangan pikir anak kita yang baru lahir ni bodoh and knows nothing about the world. We should assume anak kita knows everything about this world, cuma dia tak tahu on what to do with their intelligence.
We MUST believe yang anak kita ni genius who is super smart, tapi dia tak tahu what to do with their intelligence.
So what we should do is to teach them whatever we want to as early as we can. Lagi lambat lagi rugi. Why? Seperti yang kita tahu, otak kita ni cepat "berkarat". We need to frequently sharpen it to make sure it is at its tip top shape kan? Sebab itu la pentingnya kita cepat-cepat ajar anak, sementara otak dia masih macam sponge yang nak absorb semua benda.
Once kita apply the proper therapy to our coma-genius babies, insyaAllah once dia get a grip of the stuff we introduced to them, the sooner their intelligence with shine...and from there on, they will continue to grow wiser in using their intelligence to their desired potential.
Basically from my bebelan here, being a genius is more of a choice, kan? To be or not to be?
So don't you mommies think that your kick-start therapy matters to these coma-genius babies?
definitely agree with this...
I'm so worried when i don't spend enough time with my son, esp when it comes to doing beneficial activities...
nice sharing. mmg i kena selalu ingatkan diri yg baby SN tu genius..kena ajar macam2 dari sekarang :D
setuju tapi macam tak cukup masa jea nak spend time dengan diaorang...
setuju sgt! treat anak kita mcm dia mau semuanya. dia reti atau tak, tu blkg kira.
I heard about babies are like sponges but never heard about they are geniuses in a coma.I WILL treat my baby as one.Nice...tx!
yea, i pun slalu dgr babies are like sponges.. this is new.. but very good share indeed.
i ajar sket2 as they go along, see how she picks up,n which is their interest.. i pun xnak push sgt nnti dia boring plak..
setuju... pasal ni . baby memang mudah ingat apa yang mereka tengok..kadang2 terkejut jugak luqman selalu tiru apa yang ummi dia selalu buat.
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