Wonderful Easter Monday where Mama-Miya doesn't have to cook lunch.
Yummy Mee Goreng filled with Love....
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.
wowiey...terliur!rajinnnya ur hubby!
elissmie-> skali sekala dpt merasa air tgn suami.. :D sedap oo... masak utk portion 3-4 org..bikin licin oleh 2 org.
wahhh rajinnya! looks yummy. my hubs can cook better ayam kicap than me! haha
hamboi! dh la i tgh lapo.. masuk recepi pack me love sesuaii hehe
u're lucky! my hubby can only cook maggi mee! huhu
Abah Hadiff sangat terrer masak..da selalu masak
i guess kalau i yg masak..memang kena blog ahh... hehehhe
pergghhh sedap seh...tgk gambar je teliur
drama mama--> tu la, i cam terkejut jap bila dia offer nak masak lunch. gumbira saje la hati sebab tak yah masak. chewah ayam masak kicap....kalo ada tamu dtg rumah time u tak sihat, leh la suh dia masak.
ely--> kang kalo papamiya masuk contest pack me love, kalah semua org oo..
temp.housewife--> lucky tu lucky gak la..tp once in a blue purple maroon moon la dpt merasa masakan dia.
rozy--> takpe, buat2 aje tak terrer..tak rugi coz ada org masak 4 u. :D
lin--> gambar tu fotogedik aje...tu yg u terliur tu..tp gedik tak gedik, mmg licin we all bedal.
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