when were in the go, i will give miya oat-home made cereal oats. how to make it:
1) kisar oats dlm dry mil until halus.
2) by using pengayak tepung, tapis the oats yg dah kisar tu.
3) serbuk halus hasil lapisan tu should be stored in tupperware or airtight container. (serbuk yg kasar tu mommies can use to make oats theething cookies..next posting i'll post the recipe to that).
so how to prep this oat menu. some people prefer to cook it..but some said using boiling water dah memadai. as for me, kalau travelling on the go, i just use boiling water. kalau at home i masak la on dapur or in microwave for 2mins.
ni cara nak buat bila kita tgh travel.
how to fruity oat porridge(sesuai for 4-6mo):
1) tuang boiling water just enough to cover serbuk oats. leave it seminit utk kembang.
2) lenyek pisang/ apple chuncks/ pear chunks & add to the oats mixture.
3) tuang skit EBM/juice kalau rasa nak extra.
how to make savory porridge (sesuai for kids yg sudah intro animal protein & have no allergies to it):
1) mix 3 sudu oat dgn 1 sudu sebuk ikan bilis.
2) curah boiling water just enough to cover the serbuk.
3) leave it for 2-3mins..then kacau rata. bila dia sah suam2 skit, br serve to anak.
salam...1st time baca blog ni..thanks for sharing menu2 yg menarik utk dicuba..cume nk tnyla, oat ni yg mcm quacker oat tu ke? hehe..sorila ye, sya tak penah makan/xsuke pn..tu yg curious nk tau.berminat nk try.
yup...ni oats yg kita makan tu..memacam brand out there, termasuklah quaker oats tu.
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