2cups of oat yg telah dikisar
pinch of salt
1tbspoon baking powder
1tbspoon vanila
3bijik pisang monte yg over ripe atau 6bijik pisang emas
3tablespoon of oil (suka suki nak guna oil ape/but dont use penut oil or corn oil for kids below 1yrs old)
cara buatnye:
1)mix dry with dry & wet with wet.
2) mix all the stuff sampai sebati. it will look l
3) in baking tray (lined with baking sheet or alum foil), spoon the bancuhan & drop dia memanjang on the tray. buat rectangular shape 1inci lebar & 2-3 inci panjang.
4)baked dlm oven 200darjah celcius for about 20mins.
the end product..mine cam cruchy kat luar & dlm cam kek pisang bantat.
cara serving..either let miya gonyeh it or i lenyek each biskut dlm air panas utk buat bubur.
*this recipe contains no: wheat, egg & nuts
should be ok utk budak less than 1 thn.
nampak cedappp
mama-miya, tadi i tried this recipe. tapi koi punya hehe keras semacam tak crunchy.and bla Ibrahim makan cam nak tersedak gitu..salah teknik ke apa?
huih..naya aje tersedak...tu la tak sure la pasal biskut ni..we better leave it to the experts la buat biskut ni..hehehhe...well maybe instead of bg ibrahim makan gitu aje, u rendam dlm susu ibu & feed dia cam bubur aje la eek..
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