miya is now 6months, but i started her on solid at 5mo3wks.
surely after baca line tu, ramai moms out there (yg gung-ho bf) akan kata WTF!!
lemme summarize what i found from my studies:
"Developmental Readiness of Normal Full Term Infants to Progress from Exclusive Breastfeeding to the Introduction of Complementary Foods"
sebelum bg anak makan or sebelum berniat nak BF ni, kena paham reason y experts suh fully BF anak for 6months. antara reason dia:
-nak kena fully understand the "Immune System Development in Relation to the Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding" (lg lama exclusive on BF ni, lesser risk develop benda2 pelik)
-apa kaitannye Gastrointestinal Development in Relation to the Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding?(adakah perut anak tu cukup kuat..anak2 yg minum infant formula mesti kuat skit coz dia dah reti handle melamine..huhuhu..lawak bodo aje ni)
-Infant Oral Motor Development in Relation to the Duration of Breastfeeding (ni nak check connection otak & organ cernaan ni dah leh bekerja sama tak?)
-Maternal Reproductive and Lactational Physiology in Relation to the Duration of Breastfeeding.
my logic sense y the experts or kementerian kesihatan suh tunggu gak 6bulan, coz tak ramai parents out there tau cara nak test si anak punye readiness to start makan.
so how i tested & confirm yg anak dah ready, eventho dia belum 6bulan..i:
-pastikan dia leh duduk sendiri tanpa support dr org & dia leh angkat pala sendiri and pandang merata2 tempat. (meaning dia punye badan & saluran tu ok. so nnt dia takde la tercekik sebab makanan tokleh lalu elok2)
-anak ade gaya menguyah2 (tgk dia kunyah air liur tak bila tgk adult makan)
-anak mula tak cukup dgn minum susu saje. cam miya, slalunye dia minum 5-6bottle of 5oz(every2hrs) time i kat opis. then suddenly dia mula nak minum every 1hour..kalau minum setiap 2jam, she will drink 7-8oz. so from there kita tau dia perlukan extra calories.
and lastly
-Losing the "extrusion reflex." To keep solid food in his mouth and then swallow it, your baby needs to stop using his tongue to push food out of his mouth. How i tested this? sejak miya 5bulan, seminggu 2-3kali, i try bg EBM guna sudu. memula dia tolak2..then finally dia kemam & telan..SO CONFIRM dia DAH READY!!
so what i fed her:
1st day..blended rice porridge with breastmilk..she ate 1 tablespoon
2nd day..blended rice porridge with breastmilk & kurma..she ate alot
3rd day..carrot+kurma puree with breatmilk..she ate lot a lot..
and the rest is history...
now my fridge mula penuh dgn pre-prep & frozen food (frozen according to FDA std).
hehe...mama-miya, 5 mos n 3 weeks is acceptable la dear.yang x leh accept tuh dlm pantang dh bg mkn.huhuu...alasan sebab baby nyusus mcm x kenyang, susu x byk, baby asyik bangun.
berbalik pada bg makan baby td, Aja rasa dlm 5 6 months tuh dh Ok bergantung pada developement baby and sign yang ditunjukkan. Like org makan, mulut dia pon gerak2, dia dh boleh hold their head, leh duduk n lain2 mcm mama-miya mentioned. lagi pon lain baby lain progress, ada cepat ada lambat. So KKM, WHO just bg standard/piawai je 6 bln tu...
Like my Azalea started to eat at 5 mos 3 weeks jugak sbb dia dh byk sign nk mkn, mulut dia gerak sama kalau tgk kita mkn. Whilst my Rayyan mcm x minat nk mkn, so dh genap 6 mos br bg mkn..(tapi yg x best sebab dua-dua my mom n MIL, awal2 duk peningkan kepala Aja suh bg mkn) hmmphhh..
hehehhe ajasu...i ade aje kena tegur pasal bg anak makan b4 6months.
i do know people bg budak makan at 4days old..i tau org yg bancuh FM dgn nestum..anak diorang hidup ok & sekolah pun ok..kesihatan ok..
well..we are all now educated..if we can provide the best..provide la eek..
ape2hal pun, suka hati masing2..anak masing2. :D
mama-miya, nak tanya la. my baby nak masuk 6mos new year nnt. tp kalo tgk the signs tu,my baby ni xleh duduk sendiri lagi. but kalo kite pegang and duduk kan die, mmg die da kuat lar.. die chubby budak nye, meniarap pun lambat sket (baru bole masa 5mos).hehe... so what do u say? da patut introduce solids or wait until he can sits on his own?
to nur_rule,
kalau anak boleh duduk tegak, tu dah cukup memadai utk mula bg makan..reason y anak kena reti duk tegak, supaya time tgh makan tu, saluran makan tak tersepit/tersekat..i perhati ade aje moms yg bg anak makan awal2, even before anak boleh duduk tegak..dia suap anak tu yg sedang baring..tu mmg la senang tersedak..worse case leh choke & sesak nafas.
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