I baca on breastfeeding international forums, ramai moms face.. "six month slump" ….as if there were something magical going on at that age that will make it impossible for you to ever pump enough milk.
Lemme intro about this curse of the 6th month slump:
“Hormonal changes: For a lot of pumping moms, the stimulation of the pump isn't quite enough to keep you from ovulating and having periods anymore. These hormonal changes sometimes cause a little supply dip right before your period.”
HUH? WTF! WTH!! Ovulating..itu bukan benda baru for me..I’ve been ovulation each month ever since I gave birth. Tapi bulan ni special..i got 2 period!! Menses dating 2 kali..last week..then stop a few days and now sambung lg..
Yes my susu drop…on the 12th & 13th Nov, my milk was aa ok..even I can say that the kilang is in good production..each pumping session I can get 6oz.
But things go bad on 14th Nov 08....miya had her 1st taste of formula milk. I felt a little crushed, but then I pujuk diri.. “its ok, miya dah mula makan..anggap la formula milk ni sama cam bg miya makan solid..its just complimentary feeding..bigger part of her diet is still mama’s breastmilk.”
What I’m doing to solve this…I took double dose of fenugreek, calcium tablet & multivitamins on Friday & Saturday, but seems to have no effect..so start on Sunday afternoon, I took Maxolon. And today it can see my milk production is recovering. The other food i take as usual la..high protein, lots of oats...good drinks...
We pray that she doesn’t have to drink anymore of the formula milk and I don’t have to rely on it as if the tin susu is my bestfriend.
*this is the 2nd time I took medication to increase breastmilk. The 1st time I domperidone, when uncle mi passed away. I never tot I have to resort to this method ever again..
hi dayangku..i milk supply has always been challenging..this is kinda the worse of them all..
i am an oat person(breakfast oat with hotdrink, lunch oats with chicken shreds or baked potatos mash with mince beef)..coz kinda being supportive to hubby thats trying to flush the colesterol..
i guess ni mmg my dugaan..i successfully BF time dlm hospital..pantang was easy...but bila mula kerja..thats when my dugaan comes.
what doesnt kill me makes me stronger
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