Do ibu2 di luar sana tau the actual, proper amount of Breast milk intake utk anak tu actually depends on the age and weight of that baby.?
Here is a chart for babies under six months. Ni untuk anak2 yg fully BF & minum EBM, tanpa minum other liquid or makan solid. I read dlm buku Dr. Marriam Stoppard, something about for every extra 500g baby gain, kena increase susu by another 0.5oz..then I surf, I found an average calculation made by the lady in www.workandpump & also kellymom.
the one in bold in the chart was miya's last amount of feeding before she was introduced to solid. she was only 6.5kg at 5months.
very good info :-)thanks
yup..very helpful
Terima kasih atas info ni. harap dapat membantu bila dapat baby nanti.
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