I'm reading the book now. Its a real thick & creamy book, filled with real good info.
Anyway, I wanna share a sneak-a-peek here on how to lift our toddler's IQ especially when they are on the "naming stage" (18-24months).
Try the "30seconds teach"!!
In 30 seconds name & detail-out the thing ur naming. Example;
Your toddler saw a cat. You say:
1)Its a cat
2) Its a black cat
3) It has white tummy
4) Cat is a feline
5) Cat that loves fish
6) Cat loves milk too
7) Cat say "meow"
8) Cat is a tiny tiger
9) Cat has soft fur
10) Cat's whiskers are pointy
11) Cat's eyes are beautiful and reflects in the dark
Just teach your kid some superb fact about cats as much as you can in 30seconds and then STOP (bebel panjang2 will make the kid lose interest).
So what does our kid actually gets from here?
First of all, once they process these facts, they learn to know the names and characteristic of something. Then they get to use these words they learned on other stuff or other occasions.
But here's something we don't realize, this method teaches our toddler the logic of math and the rules of probability too.
By teaching our toddler these facts and the possibilities to address the object ( such as the cat in the example), we are training their brains to combine and permutate the facts that we have taught them.
The result? Our toddler's brain grows in the process!!
a good one babe..nanti i try..
shud try this too...
wow interesting. kene try nih. Thanks dear!
nice info..will try it on my baby later ;)
miya makin cute..dah besar la...
miya makin cute..dah besar la...
nak try gak, tengs for the info
INTERESTING. I've started doing the same exercise, eventhough the baby is still young, so that I can get used to it. With the hope that when he's ready to learn more for instance when he's 12 months above, the mommy is 'intelligent' enough to teach the intelligent bby. hehe
thanks! a new method. I used to do other kind of method, but this is really a new one for me. I will apply this to my baby.
i memang follow glen doman method!
err miya makin besar makin shantek laa hehehehe
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