Does your child suffer from Nature-Deficit-Disorder (NDD) or has the potential to develop into NDD?
Not so long ago, I was running in the forest of Cameron Highlands with my cousins and friends, building our fortress and protecting our territory. We're the ruler of the forest. We hunt for fish, frogs and wild creatures. We eat wild berries. We had a whole load of FUN.
No worries....... only the adrenaline rush and the imagination of having absolute control of the world around me.
My exposure to nature begins at such an early age, as I was told that my parents took me mountain climbing at 2years old.
Ah.....Those were the days...those were the days...and now I'm a mom to a little girl, whom I wish to grow and have a wonderful childhood like mine.
Will she?
Our children are of the digital age generations. Due to many factors, they are deprived from having a proper exposure to the nature. So they are at risk to develop NDD, right?
Nature Deficit Disorder is a term that refers to a child being unconnected with nature. Richard Louv described in his book, that a child's lack of outdoor experiences can lead to physical and mental ailments. While Richard Louv is not the first person to address concern over the minimal amount of time that youths spend outdoors, he is the first person to assign a term that describes the problem.
Richard Louv wrote in his book that children who don't play outside are more prone to anxiety disorders, attention disorders and depression. And that children who spend more time playing outdoors show more creativity and are happier than children who spend very little time playing outdoors.
Dr Richard Denniss from The Australia Institute, conducted a survey that showed that children care less about environmental welfare than their parents do. This is a cause for concern, since children are the future caretakers of the environment. Perhaps the reduction of outdoor playtime has resulted in children caring less for the environment.
What do you mommies out there think? I think we need to plan a camping trip soon or maybe get a pet.
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luckily my kids spend enough time outside i guesss? that is one of the reason why we moved to the 1st available villa so that the kids can play outside more. thanks for the info. :)
hmm..laman rumah ada, tp kecik sgt, pehtu najihah asyik nak cross longkang je, takut bahaya. 2 to 3 times a week we all will connect with nature yg tepi pantai je. duduk tepi pantai or, bawah pokok dekat dgn pantai.Pasni kena carik mana2 taman botani la pulak.TQ 4 the info mama miya
me dr kcik mmg bw zaffran kuar ptg2 even for a walk wpun dia taktahu apa...sb nak kenalkan dunia..nmpk dia pnya awareness skllg cpat sb bnyak exposure..cpt jalan, cpt knal bnda baru n xcited to know more things..the other day, i show him pokok semalu..once dia tahu apa jnis daun tu, abis dia jelajah rumput looking for that pokok....sonok gilerrr
very good info!
me love nature too..
nadhrah mmg suke outdoor activities as well as indoor.. she's very active, hopefully Aqilah pun will be the same.. but u idea is definately good, camping kan.. best kan? shud plan that..
anak i marah kalau lama memerap dirumah, pantang ada sesapa kuar mesti nak ikut, nasib ada nenek dia rain layan..hehe
tq for the info
tu la, baby nowadays spent most of their time depan tv & komputer je huhu. mcm I ni lagi la, laman rumah pon xde
miya wat pe tu??
i rasa if sebulan xbwk sami g playground outdoor i yg rimas kot... tp sebulan sekalik blk kampung bapak i bwk dia g cabut ubi kat kebun.. main pasir kt pantai .. berkubang aje blum lagik hehehehe
dulu kan kecik2 i tangkat belalang kunyit patu buat bbq la la la la
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