I’m a huge fan of “Sex & The City” and “Entourage”. Are you?
Both of the HBO tv series reflects the usual stuff of life such as career, social life, money, love (with mostly sex), religion, political incorrectness and best of all.............friendship.
They support each other through hard time. Eventhough they did become judgemental towards each other at times, in the end they are still there for their friend.
Do you know that feeling when your buddy is there to celebrate your happiness and also being a support during your hard times? It’s nice and comforting isn’t it?
When I became mom, I thought I am alone in this journey and everything on the planet is against me on becoming a good mom. I read motherhood books, babycare book and spend hours a day on the internet searching for answer for each question in my head.
Then I started blogging and joined online mommies forums......that’s where I found my support. I found new friends to share and support each other in many of our motherhood missions.
So this is MOMTOURAGE!!
Every woman needs a momtourage to support, help her get things done, and allow her to a SUPERMOM (that is the term I commonly use for moms who tries to be the best of what she can in order to be a good mom). We give each other opinion on babycare, health tips, educational stuff for kids, recipes, relationships, home business stuff, networking and many more. The list goes on and on and on (depends on one’s limit of knowledge, compassion and generosity).
Like the old saying, it takes a village to raise a child....and i guess in this modern world, it takes a momtourage to raise the kids. Anyway, motherhood is not as simple as how it used to be.
A mom needs a friend to flush out ugly meltdowns, have a laugh, gossip, advice (give&receive), to celebrate and also to compete. Moms need momtourage to help her keep her sanity.
I know I got so many momtourage out there....So if you think you’re my momtourage, say “Haaaay!!” I am definitely “Haaaay!!”-ing back at cha!!
Thank you my momtourage!! Kiss Kiss Hug Hug...
me saying the first..HAAYYYYY..u are one of my 1st online mummy bloggrs good frens..hihi..one i considered a berry good fren already even kiat tak pnah jmpa land line...hahaha
cheersss to frenship
hayyyy! hehehehe
I went for bloghopping and just found yours. What an interesting blog. =)
I follow ok..
hayyyyy from here too... i agree 100%, blogging world really made me a better mom
eventho i don't have any blog but i read yours and others tooo...
please dont ask me when i will have my own blog!
its good to know you who have a big brain in a tiny body!
watchaaa >>>
Hayyy from me too.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaayy...alamak dah lambat ke I jerit nih> hik2x
I guess desperate housewives also one of it..
And yes totally agree on the "friendship"..
best kan kalau kita dapat that kind of friend and friendship??
lady qay--> hay
drama mama--> hay
mama sohayl--> hay
nadnye--> hay
hanum--> hay
temp.housewife--> hay
yatie--> hay
hanim--> hay
ladies out there yg segan tinggal komen & i know ur reading this --> HAY!!!
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