This photo released by Samsung Electronics in Seoul, on March 4, shows its new refrigerator the "Zipel e-Diary" that features a 10-inch (25 cm) touch screen equipped with locally developed wi-fi software. The refrigerator, priced at 2.49 million won ($2,171), can display family photos or recipes on its screen.
It is said to be the most advanced fridge, which boasts of Internet connectivity. It is Wi-Fi enabled and has a 10-inch touch screen display, through which the user can access the Internet. The display is quite multi-purpose, and can also function as a note taker. And the best part is that it supports Google Calendar as well, so all the family members will remember all their appointments. This fridge can also display 500 different varieties of food, with their nutritional content in tow.
The fridge is also loaded with the latest in-house software, that has being developed by Samsung.
If I ever get to have this, tak payah susah-susah bring the laptop to menyibuk on my tiny kitchen counter.
i want 2 lah..1 for me, 1 for hubby..hik3x
the most suitable fridge for a blogaholic mama :)
saya nak jugakkkkk! now i know what to ask for my birthday present this year hahahaha
wah!!! best giler fridge nih!!! camne duk btenggeng lama2 kat kitchen pun i sanggup!!!! gagaga
-mama emma®-
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