I just found out that there is this Adventurous NYC Chef who tried (and succeed) in making cheese from his wife's EBM. For more reading check it out at his blog http://www.danielangerer.com/.
I like this idea. We BF mommies always worry about our EBM stock nearing expiry date or exceeded the 3months age. We wouldn't want to flush it down the drain gitu aje kan?
R U Adventurous enough to be making cheese out of ur EBM? All natural & organic....LOL.
Well I did it once, accidentally. We left a bottle of 8oz EBM in the diaperbag for over a week.. LOL..It turned to cheese alright...but I won't recommend eating/tasting it.
WOW!!!so, blh buat cheese cake from ebm cheese..:)
Boleh try ni, tp terpikir 1 benda plak, camne ngan khasiat ebm tu bile da jd cheese? bace cara buat kena masak milk tu, kalau kite panaskan susu guna periuk pun da boleh merosakkan nutrisi susu tu kan?
ibuaiman--> i pun terpikir a few cheese dessert dah..LOL
nurul dhia-->ebm mmg kalo utk budak minum mmg la best gitu aje. buat cheese ni solution utk ebm dah past expiry date tu. kan kita semua slalu sedih2 bila susu nak kena buang bila dah dekat expiry tu & tak sempat guna..so now ada solution baru la..:D
yes boiling akan hapuskan the antibody, tp nutri lain masih ada. bukan susu tu terus sama taraf dgn air kosong aje.
also i dont think kita nak bg baby makan pun cheese to since ada garam dlm dia. kalo buat cheese ni bg kat anak2 kita yg dah toddler or older ok la kot.
good idea, tak yah beli lagi hik3x..jimat belanja on groceries pulak kui3x
yatie--> imagine buat pizza with breastmilk cheese topping..lemak, sedap & dijamin halal...hahahha..
"lemak, sedap & dijamin halal"
this really made me laugh!!
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