While this chart below is based on both BF (6months fully BF) & FM fed babies & published in 2006.

How about mommies yg rasa anak dia under weight, come and check it out here:
chart for boys
chart for girls
i got to know this info from http://www.diyaluna.com/diary/2009/11/06/dr-koe-growth-chart/
TQVM...I mati2 ingat they are using the latest WHO chart.
Miya born @ 2.81kg & now she is 9.5kg. I conclude that she is grow at a healthy weight.
hehe sama la kite..i pon baru dapat tau yang BF babies ade their own chart..takleh samakan ngan FM babies.
thanks for sharing dear!
thanks dear for sharing this.i got the hard-copy one itu yang tak ter-share lagi...should do the same too & let the awareeness spread to BF moms so there will be less worries...
Nak minta izin copy chart tu yer..
i thought u tahu...if tk i dah bg dkt u dulu...sori ..kinda slip my mind nk kgsi...hhuuu
itu la kawan2, i betul2 tak tau. selama ni i dok refer to chart yg experts refer & babycare books yg i ada. tak sangka i kena deceive bodo2 aje. maybe next time i cari babycare book for BF infants.
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