Yesterday I watched "What's Good for You" and among topics being discussed was detox dieting.
5days detox diet plan, juicing, eating salad, diet juice/detox supplement and will lose 4-5kg.
Yes ladies, that much.
Then, the people who participated in the diet went for a lab test for blood, fat, cholesterol & many more.
The result:
1) liver shows abnormal activity. if the diet continues, damage can be done.
2) all of the good cholesterol (not just the bad one) in blood has been flushed out.
3) darah cair & kurang nutri.
4) the weight yg hilang tu hanya water weight & muscle kecut. if u ever gain weight after that, it will be fat. nanti lagi susah nak shed off the extra kilos.
I baru aje ingat nak buat detox for body, konon nak bersih2 kan apa patut. Now tak jadi la. Ikut cara rasulullah, everything in moderation.
edit- add info: they also said, the supplement juice product that they were taking to detox is actually full with toxin. so bila badan sedar ada toxin masuk, tu yg badan bekerja keras utk singkirkan toxin.
hahahha..yatie, i dok tumpang miya punye pediasure pun berat tak naik2 gak. tak dapek den nolong. ni br ni i sakit, berat dah 39kg semula dah.
tips naik berat bdn takder ke? i dh lose so much weight nih huhuhu
good info mamamiya..i nak mintak kebenaran bubuh kat page Jus Diet Mate 5 kat facebook ye..thanks
kalau kat mesia ni orang selalu panggil crush diet..mmg tak elok sebenarnye.
hm...yg org wt detox mkn produk dcl tu pn bhy gak ke?
yuyu--> no prob. just sharing.
farah--> crush diet lg teruk kan?
lin--> mmg bahaya. smlm i tgk tu diorang pagi petang minum juice yg produk2 slimming tu. even lunch & dinner minum juice tu gak dgn makan fruit salad. 0% carbo grains. katanye benda2 detox from juice tu la yg buat liver kena active nak singkirkan benda2 dr juice tu. so the detox is actually using toxins. so bila badan sedar ada toxin, dia bekerja keras utk singkirkan.
oh dear...akak penah buat detox diet few yrs ago...disarankan oleh satu pusat pelangsingan terkenal nih...grrr...mmg abih je program tu berat naik balik dgn jayanya
ringannya berat you! jealous.
detox mmg x elok tp skrg ni ramai pulak yg berani mencuba. semuanya kerana nak cantik, nak kurus. ada kwn I, dah kurus pun nak detox nak bg lebih kurus. tak faham betul. x risaukan kesihatan.
betul, biarlah semuanya in moderation.
i berat 52-53kg tapi cmpak cm org berat 48kg.. cesss satu penipuan..
erk..scarynyee..i baru plan nk detox..huhuhu..xpela, diet slow2 jela..bila la badan ni nak ramping..huhu
berat 39 ringan nyer..jeles la.. i pernah try ini 1 minggu tp tak tahan la tak dpt nasi.. skrg makan nasi tp sikit ja n buat pilates..resultnya..belum nampak lagi berat still 60kg++...
I just read this entry. didn't know abt ur entry before. But it's okay as the way wrote is quite different from yours. :D
temp. housewife..takde apa2 pun..i just share my finding on the detox diet aje..ur entry pun quite good.
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