IJA & ASRI.....and now ada MIYA...
A thousand years, a thousand more,
A thousand times a million doors to eternity
I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times
An endless turning stairway climbs
To a tower of souls
If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars,
The towers rise to numberless floors in space
I could she'd another million tears, a million breaths,
A million names but only one truth to face
A million roads, a million fears
A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty
I could speak a million lies, a million songs,
A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time
But if there was a single truth, a single light
A single thought, a singular touch of grace
Then following this single point , this single flame,
The single haunted memory of your face
I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head
I may be numberless, I may be innocent
I may know many things, I may be ignorant
Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands
Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands
I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times
Reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes
Or wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thief
I've kept this single faith, I have but one belief
I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head
On and on the mysteries unwind themselves
Eternities still unsaid
'Til you love me
Happy Anniversary to Ija n Miul.
May ALLAH shower ur marriage with love and prosperity throughout ur life
Happy Anniversary Ija...
happy anniversary to both of u and husband..hehe..
my turns on next tuesday.hehe
happy anniversary to u dear..moga makin bertambah number makin bertambah luving...
happy 4th anni to both of u :)
Happy 4th Anniversary ija ^_^ , smoga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat.
Happy 4th anniversary mama miya! ;)
Happy 4th anniversary.. :)
hepi 4th anniversary ija. semoga bertambah bahagia, allah murahkan rezeki, manfaatkan umur, sihat dan senang selamanye aminnnnnn
happy anniversary mama miya..semoga berbahagia selamanya..take care
happy 4th anniversary ija & asri....love you always....
I missed this entry. HAppy Anniversary to both of u. MAy Allah always bless Mama-miya family
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