About my Blog

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

AidilAdha 2009!!

AidilAdha 2009!!

Papa & Miya got same taste eh?

Papa Miya suka yg ni...

Miya suka yg ni..

Papa & Miya got same taste eh?

Papa Miya suka yg ni...

Miya suka yg ni..

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dry and Peeling Skin?

Bukan nak buat chemical peeling la. Talking about my skin yg akan face drying up and peeling each time berubah musim.

So what do I use?

2) moisturise...

3) protect...(this one is extra important for summer time)

This is what works for me.

Once dah ok, I can go back to my usual skincare stuff.

How about you? Ever faced this problem? What's your solution?

Dry and Peeling Skin?

Bukan nak buat chemical peeling la. Talking about my skin yg akan face drying up and peeling each time berubah musim.

So what do I use?

2) moisturise...

3) protect...(this one is extra important for summer time)

This is what works for me.

Once dah ok, I can go back to my usual skincare stuff.

How about you? Ever faced this problem? What's your solution?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Salt & Your Laundry

Salt is a super stain remover on clothing, helps maintain bright colors, and can even eliminate sticky spots on your iron. It can also reduce yellowing in clothes and mildew on shower curtains.

Please note: None of these tips should be tried with dry-clean-only fabrics.

So there is no need to be spending a lot on stain remover? Woo hoo!

edited-additional info:

Color Bleeding: Add 1/2 cup of salt to the wash cycle to prevent new colored fabrics from running.

Curtains and Rugs: The colors of washable curtains or fiber rugs can be brightened by washing them in a saltwater solution.

Brighten faded rugs with a brisk rub using a cloth dampened with a strong saltwater solution.

Yellowing: Boil yellowed cotton or linen fabrics in a mixture of water, 1 tablespoon salt, and 1/4 cup baking soda. Soak the fabric for 1 hour.

Blood: Soak a blood stain on cotton, linen, or other natural fiber in cold saltwater for 1 hour. Wash using warm water and laundry soap, then boil the fabric in a large kettle of boiling water. Wash again.

How Salt Can Solve Perspiration Problems: Don't sweat it. Those yellow stains in the armpits and around the collar of your favorite white T-shirts aren't a sign that you're sweating too much or not cleaning properly.

These areas are just harder to get clean and are made up of more than just old perspiration and dirt.

Undissolved deodorants may be a culprit, too. If you have hard water, the deodorant residue (and soap and perspiration) can't wash out properly. Here is a method for removing those sweat stains.

Mix 1 quart water with 4 tablespoons salt. Sponge this mixture onto the stained area, then repeat until the stain disappears. Wash as usual.

A fresh blood stain: should disappear easily if it is immediately covered with salt and blotted with cold water. Keep adding fresh water and blotting until the stain is gone.

Gravy: Try covering a fresh gravy stain with salt and letting it absorb as much of the grease as possible. A stubborn stain may need a 50/50 solution of ammonia and vinegar dabbed on and blotted until the stain disappears.

Grease: Remove a fresh grease spot on the fabric by covering it with salt. Wait for the salt to absorb the grease, then gently brush the salt away. Repeat until the spot is gone, then launder as usual.

Double-knit fabrics can be a stain challenge when it comes to grease. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt to a small dish of ammonia, and dab the mixture directly onto the grease spot. Let sit, then wash as usual.

Ink: Rub salt onto a fresh ink stain on fabric, and soak the fabric overnight in milk. Wash the fabric as usual.

Mildew: Make a thin paste of lemon juice and salt, then spread the paste on mildew stains. Lay the clothing item out in the sun to bleach it, then rinse and dry.
A mixture of salt, vinegar, and water should remove mildew stains on most fabrics. Use up to full-strength vinegar if mildew is extensive.

Prevent mildew growth on shower curtains by soaking them in a bathtub full of saltwater (½ cup salt into the tub). Soak the curtains for several hours, then hang them to dry.

As you've seen, salt can be a vital asset in the list of laundry ingredients. See what salt can do for you.

Salt & Your Laundry

Salt is a super stain remover on clothing, helps maintain bright colors, and can even eliminate sticky spots on your iron. It can also reduce yellowing in clothes and mildew on shower curtains.

Please note: None of these tips should be tried with dry-clean-only fabrics.

So there is no need to be spending a lot on stain remover? Woo hoo!

edited-additional info:

Color Bleeding: Add 1/2 cup of salt to the wash cycle to prevent new colored fabrics from running.

Curtains and Rugs: The colors of washable curtains or fiber rugs can be brightened by washing them in a saltwater solution.

Brighten faded rugs with a brisk rub using a cloth dampened with a strong saltwater solution.

Yellowing: Boil yellowed cotton or linen fabrics in a mixture of water, 1 tablespoon salt, and 1/4 cup baking soda. Soak the fabric for 1 hour.

Blood: Soak a blood stain on cotton, linen, or other natural fiber in cold saltwater for 1 hour. Wash using warm water and laundry soap, then boil the fabric in a large kettle of boiling water. Wash again.

How Salt Can Solve Perspiration Problems: Don't sweat it. Those yellow stains in the armpits and around the collar of your favorite white T-shirts aren't a sign that you're sweating too much or not cleaning properly.

These areas are just harder to get clean and are made up of more than just old perspiration and dirt.

Undissolved deodorants may be a culprit, too. If you have hard water, the deodorant residue (and soap and perspiration) can't wash out properly. Here is a method for removing those sweat stains.

Mix 1 quart water with 4 tablespoons salt. Sponge this mixture onto the stained area, then repeat until the stain disappears. Wash as usual.

A fresh blood stain: should disappear easily if it is immediately covered with salt and blotted with cold water. Keep adding fresh water and blotting until the stain is gone.

Gravy: Try covering a fresh gravy stain with salt and letting it absorb as much of the grease as possible. A stubborn stain may need a 50/50 solution of ammonia and vinegar dabbed on and blotted until the stain disappears.

Grease: Remove a fresh grease spot on the fabric by covering it with salt. Wait for the salt to absorb the grease, then gently brush the salt away. Repeat until the spot is gone, then launder as usual.

Double-knit fabrics can be a stain challenge when it comes to grease. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt to a small dish of ammonia, and dab the mixture directly onto the grease spot. Let sit, then wash as usual.

Ink: Rub salt onto a fresh ink stain on fabric, and soak the fabric overnight in milk. Wash the fabric as usual.

Mildew: Make a thin paste of lemon juice and salt, then spread the paste on mildew stains. Lay the clothing item out in the sun to bleach it, then rinse and dry.
A mixture of salt, vinegar, and water should remove mildew stains on most fabrics. Use up to full-strength vinegar if mildew is extensive.

Prevent mildew growth on shower curtains by soaking them in a bathtub full of saltwater (½ cup salt into the tub). Soak the curtains for several hours, then hang them to dry.

As you've seen, salt can be a vital asset in the list of laundry ingredients. See what salt can do for you.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Potty Train- Journey Begins (part 1)

After reading a few guides, books & potty training article; I did the potty training quiz. The result says:

"Bring on the potty chair!
Congratulations: Your child is ready to begin toilet training. She is emotionally, physically and cognitively ready to take on this exciting new challenge. Here are some signs that indicate she's raring to go:

She understands the need to "go" and can communicate this to you before she actually goes.

She has nighttime control over her bowel movements.

She demonstrates imitative behavior.

She dislikes wet or dirty diapers.

She is able to stay dry for at least two hours or wakes up dry after a nap.

She is able to pull elastic waist pants up and down."

We're gonna pick up a potty soon.

But for now what I'm doing:

1) In the morning, I demo to her on me sit on the toilet & pee. Then I just put her on the loo & try to get her to pee. (I know its a bit tak senonoh, but I just feel that its important for me to demo it. I did also show her some video on youtube of other kids on the potty).

2) After Miya poop in nappy, I showed to her that poop belongs in the toilet bowl & kena flush. So we scoot the poop into the bowl & I let her flush. Miya geli each time dia tgk poop tu. So its a good sign that she knows its dirty & shouldn't be in the nappy.

3) Each time Miya pee or poop, I akan tegur dia. So dia tau that she just did it. (I read biasa anak lambat potty train sebab dia tak sedar yg dia poop or pee).

For now, I'm just doing these. So that dia faham function toilet tu. This is our STAGE 1.

But 1 thing for sure, I will not put pressure on this process. We will deal with it as long as it takes, so that Mama tak stress & Miya tak frustrate on why mama dia stress..hahahhaha..STAGE 2 will only start after Miya paham function potty as tempat pee & poop.

Later when we have pick a potty, I'll give an update on the next stage.

Potty Train- Journey Begins (part 1)

After reading a few guides, books & potty training article; I did the potty training quiz. The result says:

"Bring on the potty chair!
Congratulations: Your child is ready to begin toilet training. She is emotionally, physically and cognitively ready to take on this exciting new challenge. Here are some signs that indicate she's raring to go:

She understands the need to "go" and can communicate this to you before she actually goes.

She has nighttime control over her bowel movements.

She demonstrates imitative behavior.

She dislikes wet or dirty diapers.

She is able to stay dry for at least two hours or wakes up dry after a nap.

She is able to pull elastic waist pants up and down."

We're gonna pick up a potty soon.

But for now what I'm doing:

1) In the morning, I demo to her on me sit on the toilet & pee. Then I just put her on the loo & try to get her to pee. (I know its a bit tak senonoh, but I just feel that its important for me to demo it. I did also show her some video on youtube of other kids on the potty).

2) After Miya poop in nappy, I showed to her that poop belongs in the toilet bowl & kena flush. So we scoot the poop into the bowl & I let her flush. Miya geli each time dia tgk poop tu. So its a good sign that she knows its dirty & shouldn't be in the nappy.

3) Each time Miya pee or poop, I akan tegur dia. So dia tau that she just did it. (I read biasa anak lambat potty train sebab dia tak sedar yg dia poop or pee).

For now, I'm just doing these. So that dia faham function toilet tu. This is our STAGE 1.

But 1 thing for sure, I will not put pressure on this process. We will deal with it as long as it takes, so that Mama tak stress & Miya tak frustrate on why mama dia stress..hahahhaha..STAGE 2 will only start after Miya paham function potty as tempat pee & poop.

Later when we have pick a potty, I'll give an update on the next stage.

facts about tantrum

when they scream, just tell yourself...ITS JUST A PHASE...JUST A PHASE..SABAR...

click image to enlarge

kalau miya tantrum, dia at times throw her book & toys. then dia kata "hook ooo..oh no". then dia merajuk ala2 heroin filem p.ramlee.

There are times I just buat bodo until she hush, then baru I pujuk & explain that such behavior is a huge NO-NO.

But time hati lemah tu, mmg la I pujuk and even reward her...I know rewarding when kids having tantrum is a huge parenting mistake. Apa boleh buat, hati ibu ini lemah and at time kesabaran pun ada limit.

more info also at http://www.bellybelly.com.au/articles/toddler/toddler-tears-tantrums and http://www.babycenter.com.au/toddler/penelopeleach/copingtantrums/

-edited additional info: if u have kids with tantrum yg menakutkan u as a mom, cam refer to blog stephanie-ryan's mom

facts about tantrum

when they scream, just tell yourself...ITS JUST A PHASE...JUST A PHASE..SABAR...

click image to enlarge

kalau miya tantrum, dia at times throw her book & toys. then dia kata "hook ooo..oh no". then dia merajuk ala2 heroin filem p.ramlee.

There are times I just buat bodo until she hush, then baru I pujuk & explain that such behavior is a huge NO-NO.

But time hati lemah tu, mmg la I pujuk and even reward her...I know rewarding when kids having tantrum is a huge parenting mistake. Apa boleh buat, hati ibu ini lemah and at time kesabaran pun ada limit.

more info also at http://www.bellybelly.com.au/articles/toddler/toddler-tears-tantrums and http://www.babycenter.com.au/toddler/penelopeleach/copingtantrums/

-edited additional info: if u have kids with tantrum yg menakutkan u as a mom, cam refer to blog stephanie-ryan's mom

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Helping your infant roll over

I found this video on youtube. Boleh help moms yg worry about anak lambat roll over.

Teknik ni, me & my MIL did on Miya once leher dia dah kuat. Not just utk tolong anak reti roll over, but also as senaman.

Helping your infant roll over

I found this video on youtube. Boleh help moms yg worry about anak lambat roll over.

Teknik ni, me & my MIL did on Miya once leher dia dah kuat. Not just utk tolong anak reti roll over, but also as senaman.

Friday, November 20, 2009

We are the keepers of our children..

"Keepers of our children" is a parenting concept practised by the Native American. They don't believe in punishing their children as they think it will only do more harm to the child's body and soul.

So what do they do? They improve themselves as the parents. They use reasoning in teaching the do's & don'ts.

The best part is, they teach the kids on their value, function and purpose of our existence in this world. They believed that these are the tools in teaching their child on how to gain genuine happiness.

It is similar to the Islamic way in raising kids, isn't it?

Kita parents should always improve ourselves because we believe in leadership by example and for one to understand Islam is for one to understand one's purpose in life. With this, one can be at ease with oneself and learn true happiness.

Here's some video's I found on youtube on parenting:

1)know the effect of your parenting?

2)raising your kids without raising your voice?
boundaries? reasoning? proactive problem solving?

3)manners? discipline? your kids beating or biting at school? yes we are the one's responsible.

what's your parenting style?

We are the keepers of our children..

"Keepers of our children" is a parenting concept practised by the Native American. They don't believe in punishing their children as they think it will only do more harm to the child's body and soul.

So what do they do? They improve themselves as the parents. They use reasoning in teaching the do's & don'ts.

The best part is, they teach the kids on their value, function and purpose of our existence in this world. They believed that these are the tools in teaching their child on how to gain genuine happiness.

It is similar to the Islamic way in raising kids, isn't it?

Kita parents should always improve ourselves because we believe in leadership by example and for one to understand Islam is for one to understand one's purpose in life. With this, one can be at ease with oneself and learn true happiness.

Here's some video's I found on youtube on parenting:

1)know the effect of your parenting?

2)raising your kids without raising your voice?
boundaries? reasoning? proactive problem solving?

3)manners? discipline? your kids beating or biting at school? yes we are the one's responsible.

what's your parenting style?

Cerita Masakan

click pics to enlarge & bukalah selera anda....

Cerita Masakan

click pics to enlarge & bukalah selera anda....

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Savvy Mommy- Detox Diet is a No-No!

Yesterday I watched "What's Good for You" and among topics being discussed was detox dieting.

5days detox diet plan, juicing, eating salad, diet juice/detox supplement and etc...you will lose 4-5kg.

Yes ladies, that much.

Then, the people who participated in the diet went for a lab test for blood, fat, cholesterol & many more.

The result:

1) liver shows abnormal activity. if the diet continues, damage can be done.
2) all of the good cholesterol (not just the bad one) in blood has been flushed out.
3) darah cair & kurang nutri.
4) the weight yg hilang tu hanya water weight & muscle kecut. if u ever gain weight after that, it will be fat. nanti lagi susah nak shed off the extra kilos.

I baru aje ingat nak buat detox for body, konon nak bersih2 kan apa patut. Now tak jadi la. Ikut cara rasulullah, everything in moderation.

edit- add info: they also said, the supplement juice product that they were taking to detox is actually full with toxin. so bila badan sedar ada toxin masuk, tu yg badan bekerja keras utk singkirkan toxin.

Savvy Mommy- Detox Diet is a No-No!

Yesterday I watched "What's Good for You" and among topics being discussed was detox dieting.

5days detox diet plan, juicing, eating salad, diet juice/detox supplement and etc...you will lose 4-5kg.

Yes ladies, that much.

Then, the people who participated in the diet went for a lab test for blood, fat, cholesterol & many more.

The result:

1) liver shows abnormal activity. if the diet continues, damage can be done.
2) all of the good cholesterol (not just the bad one) in blood has been flushed out.
3) darah cair & kurang nutri.
4) the weight yg hilang tu hanya water weight & muscle kecut. if u ever gain weight after that, it will be fat. nanti lagi susah nak shed off the extra kilos.

I baru aje ingat nak buat detox for body, konon nak bersih2 kan apa patut. Now tak jadi la. Ikut cara rasulullah, everything in moderation.

edit- add info: they also said, the supplement juice product that they were taking to detox is actually full with toxin. so bila badan sedar ada toxin masuk, tu yg badan bekerja keras utk singkirkan toxin.

Our 4th Year!!

IJA & ASRI.....and now ada MIYA...

A thousand years, a thousand more,
A thousand times a million doors to eternity
I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times
An endless turning stairway climbs
To a tower of souls
If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars,
The towers rise to numberless floors in space
I could she'd another million tears, a million breaths,
A million names but only one truth to face

A million roads, a million fears
A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty
I could speak a million lies, a million songs,
A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time
But if there was a single truth, a single light
A single thought, a singular touch of grace
Then following this single point , this single flame,
The single haunted memory of your face

I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head

I may be numberless, I may be innocent
I may know many things, I may be ignorant
Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands
Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands
I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times
Reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes
Or wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thief
I've kept this single faith, I have but one belief

I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head
On and on the mysteries unwind themselves
Eternities still unsaid
'Til you love me

Our 4th Year!!

IJA & ASRI.....and now ada MIYA...

A thousand years, a thousand more,
A thousand times a million doors to eternity
I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times
An endless turning stairway climbs
To a tower of souls
If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars,
The towers rise to numberless floors in space
I could she'd another million tears, a million breaths,
A million names but only one truth to face

A million roads, a million fears
A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty
I could speak a million lies, a million songs,
A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time
But if there was a single truth, a single light
A single thought, a singular touch of grace
Then following this single point , this single flame,
The single haunted memory of your face

I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head

I may be numberless, I may be innocent
I may know many things, I may be ignorant
Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands
Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands
I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times
Reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes
Or wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thief
I've kept this single faith, I have but one belief

I still love you
I still want you
A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves
Like galaxies in my head
On and on the mysteries unwind themselves
Eternities still unsaid
'Til you love me

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Miya Doing Housework?

konon-konon nak tolong mama vacuum. sibuk aje dekat-dekat. tp mata tu still fixed in the TV show.

Miya Doing Housework?

konon-konon nak tolong mama vacuum. sibuk aje dekat-dekat. tp mata tu still fixed in the TV show.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Miya Love Green Peas!!

Miya Love Green Peas!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Miya & Kipas

The last time Miya saw an electric fan was at the age of 9months when we're still back in Malaysia.

Due to the nearing of scorching summer days, we decided to get an electric stand fan. Lucky for us, everything was on sale and so we got the fan for $13 only.

Miya felt excited seeing this new thing in the house and kept on saying "wow..wow..wow..". To be on the safe side, the fan is being placed in the kitchen being the safety gate. We wouldn't want Miya to be doing weird stuff with/to the fan.

The next morning while Mama was making breakfast, Miya hang around the safety gate and said:

"Mama..nak wat fuish fuish" sambil wiggle her fingers around her head and thru her hair. Then she point to the fan.

Oooo..anak mama nak suruh mama on kipas rupanya.

Miya & Kipas

The last time Miya saw an electric fan was at the age of 9months when we're still back in Malaysia.

Due to the nearing of scorching summer days, we decided to get an electric stand fan. Lucky for us, everything was on sale and so we got the fan for $13 only.

Miya felt excited seeing this new thing in the house and kept on saying "wow..wow..wow..". To be on the safe side, the fan is being placed in the kitchen being the safety gate. We wouldn't want Miya to be doing weird stuff with/to the fan.

The next morning while Mama was making breakfast, Miya hang around the safety gate and said:

"Mama..nak wat fuish fuish" sambil wiggle her fingers around her head and thru her hair. Then she point to the fan.

Oooo..anak mama nak suruh mama on kipas rupanya.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Miya's new interest

Miya's new interest

Maclaren's Stroller Recall: A Stumbling Response Online

If you have Maclaren's Stroller, check it properly if it's safe!

Maclaren's Stroller Recall: A Stumbling Response Online

If you have Maclaren's Stroller, check it properly if it's safe!

Maclaren stroller recall: What to do if you have one | csmonitor.com

Maclaren stroller recall: What to do if you have one | csmonitor.com

Posted using ShareThis

Maclaren stroller recall: What to do if you have one | csmonitor.com

Maclaren stroller recall: What to do if you have one | csmonitor.com

Posted using ShareThis

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

WHO Growth Chart 2006 (based on BF & FM fed kids)

We should know that the chart above is based on FM babies & published in 1977.

While this chart below is based on both BF (6months fully BF) & FM fed babies & published in 2006.

How about mommies yg rasa anak dia under weight, come and check it out here:

chart for boys
chart for girls

i got to know this info from http://www.diyaluna.com/diary/2009/11/06/dr-koe-growth-chart/

TQVM...I mati2 ingat they are using the latest WHO chart.

Miya born @ 2.81kg & now she is 9.5kg. I conclude that she is grow at a healthy weight.

WHO Growth Chart 2006 (based on BF & FM fed kids)

We should know that the chart above is based on FM babies & published in 1977.

While this chart below is based on both BF (6months fully BF) & FM fed babies & published in 2006.

How about mommies yg rasa anak dia under weight, come and check it out here:

chart for boys
chart for girls

i got to know this info from http://www.diyaluna.com/diary/2009/11/06/dr-koe-growth-chart/

TQVM...I mati2 ingat they are using the latest WHO chart.

Miya born @ 2.81kg & now she is 9.5kg. I conclude that she is grow at a healthy weight.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Miya's new catchy line? (Part 2)

Tadi dlm bathtub Miya tenggelamkan doll dia & said

"Aaahh..Tidaaaaaaaaaak! Tidak"

With a very damsel in distress tone.

Oh, anak mama yg Diva...

What a drama queen?

Miya's new catchy line? (Part 2)

Tadi dlm bathtub Miya tenggelamkan doll dia & said

"Aaahh..Tidaaaaaaaaaak! Tidak"

With a very damsel in distress tone.

Oh, anak mama yg Diva...

What a drama queen?

Miya's new catchy line?

Lately ada 2 ayat yg Miya suka sebut. Anyway, ini aje la ayat yg ala-ala proper yg Miya can say beside her single words like banana, bolt, apple, nak, taknak, purple & etc..


1) What the....?

2) Apa ye le...?

Anak ku mula tunjuk diva ke?

Miya's new catchy line?

Lately ada 2 ayat yg Miya suka sebut. Anyway, ini aje la ayat yg ala-ala proper yg Miya can say beside her single words like banana, bolt, apple, nak, taknak, purple & etc..


1) What the....?

2) Apa ye le...?

Anak ku mula tunjuk diva ke?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

18months check-up & immunization!!

Grew 6cm in 6months & gain a kilo.

She did well bila kena jab. Just jebik2 nak nangis, but terus tak jadi bila dgr bunyi phone nurse tu. Then sibuk2 ajuk nurse tu talk on the phone (sama gaya cam dlm video "miya's communication skills" tu).

I still kena lecture about Miya's weight gain.

All I can say, I tried giving her the best food, the best breastmilk & a serving of Pediasure Complete everyday. Now I can only doa...

What say u guys?

18months check-up & immunization!!

Grew 6cm in 6months & gain a kilo.

She did well bila kena jab. Just jebik2 nak nangis, but terus tak jadi bila dgr bunyi phone nurse tu. Then sibuk2 ajuk nurse tu talk on the phone (sama gaya cam dlm video "miya's communication skills" tu).

I still kena lecture about Miya's weight gain.

All I can say, I tried giving her the best food, the best breastmilk & a serving of Pediasure Complete everyday. Now I can only doa...

What say u guys?

Medication & Mom's Milk

We were at the Maternal & Child Health nurse's office...and we saw these books:

Medications and Mothers' Milk 2008 is a comprehensive reference on the impact of currently used medications on breastfeeding mothers and infants. Written by renowned clinical pharmacologist, Dr. Thomas W. Hale, this thousand plus page book is packed with information on more than 814 drugs, vitamins, herbs, and vaccines. It includes tables on radioisotopes, radiocontrast agents, and common cold remedies.

Some of the new features added to Medications and Mothers' Milk 2008, thirteenth edition include:
- More than 70 new drugs.
- Rigorous updates to hundreds of drugs and tables.
- Updated tables on radiocontrast agents.
- Updated tables on cold and cough remedies.

Each drug entry includes the drug name and generic name; common trade names used in Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom; uses of the drug; AAP recommendations on the drug; a drug monograph that describes what is currently known about the drug, its ability to enter milk, the concentration in milk at set time intervals, and other parameters that are important to a clinical consultant; pregnancy risk category; lactation risk category; theoretic infant dose; relative infant dose; adult concerns; pediatric concerns; drug interactions; alternative drugs that may be suitable choices; adult dosage; and a table that includes (when known) adult half life (T ½ ) of the medication, pediatric half life (PHL) of the medication, milk/plasma ratio (M/P), the time interval from administration of the drug until it reaches the highest level in the mother's plasma or peak time to max (Tmax), percentage of maternal protein binding (PB), oral bioavailability (Oral), the volume of distribution (Vd), the pH at which the drug is equally ionic and nonionic (pKa), and the molecular weight (MW) of the medication.

Armed with the information in Medications and Mothers' Milk 2008, a clinician can make an educated decision about the appropriateness of a drug for an individual mother and baby based on their medical history.

Health providers can use this text to share vital information with new mothers and their physicians on how medications affect breastfeeding.

Anyone who works with breastfeeding mothers needs this definitive reference on their bookshelf!

Author: Thomas W. Hale, Ph.D.
Copyright 2008
Thirteenth Edition
ISBN-10: 0-9815257-2-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-9815257-2-3
Soft cover
Total Pages: Approx 1276

Many health care providers have told us that it would be ideal if they had a copy of Medications and Mothers’ Milk available at all times. Now you can.

Mini-Medications and Mothers’ Milk is the pocket version of Medications and Mothers’ Milk, 13th Edition, the worldwide authoritative source on medication use in breastfeeding women. This book provides up-to-date and easy to read information on the use of medications in breastfeeding mothers. Written by Dr. Thomas W. Hale, this drug reference provides you with a condensed version of the latest information on each drug and its relative safety in breastfeeding mothers and their infants.

Mini-Meds contains information on more than 868 drugs, vaccines, vitamins, viral syndromes, and other substances. It provides quick access to pregnancy and lactation risk categories, drug kinetics, and basic drug descriptions. Mini-Meds is designed as a companion guide, to be used alongside the full edition of Medications and Mothers’ Milk-but is in a more portable format.

Author: Thomas W Hale, PhD

Copyright: 2009

ISBN: 978-0-9815257-9-2

Total Pages: 224

Soft Cover

Medication & Mom's Milk

We were at the Maternal & Child Health nurse's office...and we saw these books:

Medications and Mothers' Milk 2008 is a comprehensive reference on the impact of currently used medications on breastfeeding mothers and infants. Written by renowned clinical pharmacologist, Dr. Thomas W. Hale, this thousand plus page book is packed with information on more than 814 drugs, vitamins, herbs, and vaccines. It includes tables on radioisotopes, radiocontrast agents, and common cold remedies.

Some of the new features added to Medications and Mothers' Milk 2008, thirteenth edition include:
- More than 70 new drugs.
- Rigorous updates to hundreds of drugs and tables.
- Updated tables on radiocontrast agents.
- Updated tables on cold and cough remedies.

Each drug entry includes the drug name and generic name; common trade names used in Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom; uses of the drug; AAP recommendations on the drug; a drug monograph that describes what is currently known about the drug, its ability to enter milk, the concentration in milk at set time intervals, and other parameters that are important to a clinical consultant; pregnancy risk category; lactation risk category; theoretic infant dose; relative infant dose; adult concerns; pediatric concerns; drug interactions; alternative drugs that may be suitable choices; adult dosage; and a table that includes (when known) adult half life (T ½ ) of the medication, pediatric half life (PHL) of the medication, milk/plasma ratio (M/P), the time interval from administration of the drug until it reaches the highest level in the mother's plasma or peak time to max (Tmax), percentage of maternal protein binding (PB), oral bioavailability (Oral), the volume of distribution (Vd), the pH at which the drug is equally ionic and nonionic (pKa), and the molecular weight (MW) of the medication.

Armed with the information in Medications and Mothers' Milk 2008, a clinician can make an educated decision about the appropriateness of a drug for an individual mother and baby based on their medical history.

Health providers can use this text to share vital information with new mothers and their physicians on how medications affect breastfeeding.

Anyone who works with breastfeeding mothers needs this definitive reference on their bookshelf!

Author: Thomas W. Hale, Ph.D.
Copyright 2008
Thirteenth Edition
ISBN-10: 0-9815257-2-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-9815257-2-3
Soft cover
Total Pages: Approx 1276

Many health care providers have told us that it would be ideal if they had a copy of Medications and Mothers’ Milk available at all times. Now you can.

Mini-Medications and Mothers’ Milk is the pocket version of Medications and Mothers’ Milk, 13th Edition, the worldwide authoritative source on medication use in breastfeeding women. This book provides up-to-date and easy to read information on the use of medications in breastfeeding mothers. Written by Dr. Thomas W. Hale, this drug reference provides you with a condensed version of the latest information on each drug and its relative safety in breastfeeding mothers and their infants.

Mini-Meds contains information on more than 868 drugs, vaccines, vitamins, viral syndromes, and other substances. It provides quick access to pregnancy and lactation risk categories, drug kinetics, and basic drug descriptions. Mini-Meds is designed as a companion guide, to be used alongside the full edition of Medications and Mothers’ Milk-but is in a more portable format.

Author: Thomas W Hale, PhD

Copyright: 2009

ISBN: 978-0-9815257-9-2

Total Pages: 224

Soft Cover

FUCK YOU UP!!! son of a bitch