As I have mentioned before geniuses are born every day and most of them are in a "coma". Without the right therapy, these geniuses will continue to be in coma, where most of them will never receive the depth of intellectual nurturing required to push that genius into full bloom.
I found this book yesterday and totally fell in love with it.
The book was designed to help us to stimulate the learning response in newborns through age 11. The writer shares practical exercises and interactive activities that can enhance a child’s motivation in growing their mind.
Its is quite convenient for us mommies as the book outlines some activities are sorted by age-group. The writer provided concepts introduced using a proven methodology and covering such topics as color and pattern recognition, the physical world, mathematics, nature, reading and writing, using computers, and more, all communicated in a way that will bring out the best in every child. From there, we mommies can adjust it to the suitability of our child's personality and interest.
Pendek kata, even a mom who is not highly educated pun boleh produce a bona fide genius.
Interested? Go and get your copy.
harus dptkan buku ni..kt mesia ade ke mama-miya?
ibudhani--> i pun tak sure la ada ke tak kat msia, but u can check online kinokuniya, borders or mph sebelum terjah bookstore. kalau takde, u can buy from amazon.
ija, share la isi kandungan buku ni dgn kitorang dr semasa ke semasa ekk?
mommy icha--> i'll try my best & share later on as how i have been sharing on glenn doman's book. buku ni much simpler than doman's method & also senang di paham, especially for us yg english bukan bahasa ibunda. buku glen doman tu, ija baca sekali pun ada aje yg tak paham. kena ulang2 some chapters baru get it right.
Nak kena cari nih. Ija..i tak bley nak chat pasal BF after 2 YO lah, sbb dah kena block...huhuhu...
Mama-miya, thanks for sharing this..only yesterday was at Borders & browsing parenting books..this one would be in my list soon.. :>
fiza--> kena block kat ne? apa ni..blur jap. :P
hanz--> i like the book coz dia outline simple activities or the essence of the learing process, then kita boleh ubah2 ikut creativity. with this book, i tak payah have to constantly check on the internet on new activities to do. ;)
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