From Ken Adams book, I learned that we can accelerate a toddler's speech development by getting the child to create mental images by using the 5 senses; sight, sound, touch, taste & smell.
It has been proven that such activities will strengthen the child's ability to match new experienced with the any old memories.
The wonderful thing about it is that the child's brain will then work harder and grew to be faster in connecting the data gained from each experience.

So contoh activities yang guna almost all of the senses, Main masak-masak:
1) In small portions, letak any spices, salt & pepper in small cups or bowl.
2) Let your child see it & tanya what does it look like. Then we explain the color & shape.
3) Let your child touch it & tanya how does it feel. Then kita pulak explain about the touch.
3) Let your child smell it & tanya if it smell nice or not.
4) Let your child taste it & tanya sedap ke tak. Then explain about the taste and function of the taste.
5) Sama-sama dengan anak try to crush or snap the spice and see her reaction. Then kita explain what is the name of the sound & why does it make such sound bila kita buat gitu.
Ada macam movie "Mistress of Spices" tu tak. Train budak-budak memahami dunia melalui spices.

Have fun. InsyaAllah this will multiple the child's encyclopaedic ability & increase her vocabulary in improving her speech.
Harus carilah buku Ken Adams ni... :>
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