MEGAN LEVY, May 26, 2010 - 12:46PM
A baby boy has survived after he was hit by a train in Melbourne’s south-east this morning.
The 15-month-old was in a pram that rolled off the platform at Tooronga railway station in Malvern about 11.15am.
The city-bound train hit the pram and pushed it along the train tracks, but remarkably the baby escaped with only minor grazing and bruising to his face.
Paramedics arrived to find the boy conscious, alert and crying. He has been taken to the Royal Children’s Hospital in a stable condition.
Ambulance Victoria spokesman Paul Bentley said the baby was with his grandmother and three-year-old brother at the time of the accident.
‘‘The grandmother didn’t see it. One minute the pram was on the platform, the next it wasn’t,’’ Mr Bentley said. ‘‘The child is incredible lucky.’’
Metro spokesman Chris Whitefield said the train involved was the 10.56am city-bound train from Glen Waverley.
He said it was travelling at a very low speed at the time.
The train was held at Tooronga station while a replacement driver was found, and delays of at least 50 minutes are expected on the Glen Waverley line.
"Obviously it’s shocking for all involved," Mr Whitefield said.
The boy is the second child to survive being hit by a train in Melbourne in less than a year.
-last year punye case pulak was a combo of baby, stroller tak put on brake & angin kuat.
- so apa lessonnya?
- syukur each time ada case gini, budak tu tak teruk sgt injure. rasa cam ada guardian angel lak kan?
yes..mcm ada guardian angel. Mmg ada.. sbb anak2 kecil kan dilindungi malaikat.
takut juga kan.. tu la tak leh careless even stroller nmpk tegap...
teringat i pernah tgk kat utube pasal case pram tergelincir dr platform masa mommy tgh betulkan seluar. that baby pon selamat jugak...nasib baik kan
bersyukur btol baby tu selamat.ngeri bila fikir2..moga dijauhkan dari anak2 kita semua.
adehhh tak jadi nak beli stroller baru...cenggini baik dokong jek la ismeth nih...lagi takut kalau past kat org suh tolakkan stroller...adehhh
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