In my previous post about our brain, we learned that the front half of the brain and spinal cord is composed of the outgoing motor pathways by which we respond to that incoming sensory information. These pathways in human beings result in mobility competence, language competence and manual competence.
These pathways also grow by use. They grow physically bigger and more competent by use.
There are six functions of the human brain which set all humans apart from other creatures. They are all unique to humans because they are all functions of the unique human cortex. Only humans have these six functions. Three of them are motor functions and three of them are sensory functions.
These six things are the test of Humanity. Competence in these six things is the neurological test of normality.
These six things are the ones commonly test at a child’s maternal health check-ups. These six things are the school's test of normality. These six things are society's test of normality:
- Mobility Intelligence
- Language Intelligence
- Manual Intelligence
- Visual Intelligence
- Auditory Intelligence
- Tactile Intelligence.
An individual who does these six things on an absolute par with his peers is called average.
*Coming up soon--> "HOW TO MULTIPLY YOUR BABY’S INTELLIGENCE? (Part 4- Education, Intelligence & Attitude)
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