Below the 50th percentile, but from the graph I plot, I believe its healthy kan?

She's the perfect weight for the height. Its good right?
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.
chomelnye pakai cheongsam...=)
Pipi Miya maintain bulat.. okay rr tu..
aish..dah ok da berat miya tu, miya pun nmpak sihat dan gebu je.. mmg asian baby lebih ringan sikit dari omputeh nyer baby kan? i mean supposedly..diorang kan rangka besar..correct me if i'm wrong.
syida--> tq auntie, kalo kena puji live tu, malu tersipu2 la anak dara i.
rozy--> pipi tu asset. kalo kapal karam leh buat pelampung.
mila--> i pun rasa gitu coz miya lahir small baby. so bila tgk blk graph dia, cam logic aje dia weight gitu by her current age now kan?
tgk miya sgt comel dan sihat je..
ala..nurse tu tak apa nak komen kot :p
we know the best for our child kan..?? for me as long as your child mentally & physically developed well...ape nk risau kan..??
kadang2 org ske judge a book by its cover...mcm derang judge anak kita based on kurus ke gemuk..kan kan?
correct me if im wrong :)
elok je naik ikut graf. next time kalau gi check up, cuba tunjuk graf tu pd nurse
i like miya's beanie. mcm mushroom ;) ija, cuaca dah semakin sejuk. harus pergi minum kopi lagi!
woot! woot! Suka tgk miya in that chengsam!!!
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