I love breastfeeding Miya. All I know its a free milk which is the best that the world can offer.
However, I'm worried about families & friends being judgemental over this matter.
I know ikut Islam, it takes 2 years to complete the child's breastfeeding needs...but nothing says it's a sin to continue breastfeeding a kids above 2years old.
Then I came across this article by Dr Sears. http://www.parenting.com/article/Baby/Feeding/Ask-Dr-Sears-Extended-Breastfeeding----Handling-the-Criticism
Very comforting, but will it help me to fight off those "judgements"?
What say you?
Just continue. selagi u rasa u ok, selagi miya nak..why not? people yg being judgemental ni mgkin kurang memahami, let them be, anggap je ini adalah satu cara u nak wat kempen "let's breastfeed our child" :) About weaning, what if u don't offer miya, bila dia nak baru bagi nen, lama-lama dia wean sendiri.just my 2cent.
dengar kata hati & mother instinct. doa dan solat istikharah jika perlu ^^
Mommy miya..Just continue if you still comfortable with it and selagi miya nak..Unless you ada plan nak pregnant lagi then you should completely stop..People always talk just ignore them..Nice blog and very informative..
Same with me, even tgh pegnan nih. Dari beberapa bulan lepas nak weaning-off, tapi tak sampai hati jugak. Walaupon nipple sakit bangat, tetap bagi jugak, tetap nak tunggu iman weaning-off naturally, tapi tak tak tau bila (^_^)
Bagi saya teruskan selagi anak nak breastfeed. saya susukan Aiman anak sulung saya sampai umur dia 4 tahun...tak usah hiraukan cakap-cakap orang, buat tak tahu saja...lagi lama bb menyusu, bb akan jd lagi pandai, IQ lagi genius...Insya-Allah
ija, teruskan je. kalau miya nak berhenti nanti, dia berhenti sndr.
kalau dah pregnant, masih boleh bf kan? lain la kalau susu dah kering.
huhu, i ada lebih kurang 5 bulan lg nak grad nie.
same with me, mmg nk stop bfeed qiesya, tp mcm tak sampai hati plak...hurm...
my eldest is approaching 3yrs and still breastfeeding about once a day, maybe less. to me, if he is still interested, why stop? the milk from our breasts is more nutritious than anything else he can drink (although my case is probably different as I am tandem nursing and my milk is more catered towards my 14-month-old, which just means its probably fattier than a' usual 3yr old's milk...hope that made sense!).
as for people's judgments - people will have something to say about anything you do. if you wean, ppl will judge. if you don't wean, ppl will judge. so you might as well do what's best for you and miya ;)
over all comment, thanx a bunch ladies. i rasa kuat semangat nak tempis judgemental ppl. i guess boobfeed mommies know best kan? :D
mila-> i takde pikir nak wean, just that dah dpt suara sumbang & pandangan serong. so emosi terganggu jap. now i dah kuat semangat pas tau WHO support BF til anak 3yrs old.
lynn--> kata hati jgn stop. kata hubby pun jgn stop. also i ada terpikir, kalau tetibe ada darurat or natural disaster....food susah nak dpt, anak i still dpt nutri coz makanan dia sentiasa ada kat dada i. (overkan pikir?)
miralatiff--> i mmg comfortable & miya mmg suka aje manja2, tak kisah malu langsung eventho kena ejek dng org. cuma i kecik hati bila kena ejek. kalau bleh nnt nak tandem lg tu (kalau ada adik Miya soon).
fiza--> i pun nak cita2 cam u la. wean off naturally. respek u tak stop BF eventho nipple sensitive. some moms mmg berenti aa tak tahan nipple sensitip & also pressure dr org dok kata tak elok BF time preggy.
ibuaiman--> mmg i nak terus BF coz of those reason, but i ni senang emosi terganggu bila org bukak mulut. so i guess i kena belajar pekakkan telinga dgr komen org la kot.
liz--> betul i let her decide aje. as for u, 5 bulan tu short time..sedar2 nnt maybe terjebak dlm dilema i gak, org mengata pasal BF budak lebih 2thn. :D
irvanqiesy-->jom kita kuatkan semangat utk terus BF, byk benefit dia. i think cukup dah scientific support utk kita terus BF anak & tempis org2 yg suruh kita stop BF.
glam.mama--> whatever ur doing is what i've been dreaming of. nak bf anak selagi dia nak & also tandem. tak kisah la kalau the milk is tailored for the youngest sibling punye requirement, janji all my kids get the best milk. tp tu la, i really hate it bila face judgemental ppl; for now i will just bg alasan kata WHO supports BF kids min 6months & if can until age 3.
teruskan saja bfeed miya..sampai dia nak stop...alhamdulillah, skrg sy still bfeed my daughter ..dh nak masuk 2thn 8 bulan...tk dak tanda2 dia nak stop lagi...sehari dia minum after i balik kerja and masa dia nak tidur..
salam kenal,
just blogwalking and found such a great blog!congrats!
btw,I'm also bfeeding my 19months boy,the article is great!shud share wit pthers too ;)
yeap,nak kena ubah target from 2 to 3 yrs!
but yet mmg nak kena comitted,my lil boy mmg nmpk sgt susah nak weaning off..so I shud c'tinue too..
since i'm still new here,how old is ur Miya?
starts to fall in love with your fully informative blog..keep on writing ..
synn--> i feel more comfortable nak teruskan BF miya since sedar ramai kawan2 pun in the same boat. kita nak terbaik utk anak.
mommy nadia--> welcome to boobiesmommies101 circle of friends. glad to have u as a friend so kita bleh sama2 share our exp.
miya is 2yrs old this month & breastfeeding on demand. i no longer express breastmilk, so kalau dia gi school, dia eat & drink like other kids. Bf kat rumah aje.
hi again..Intrested when u say,miya only bf at home..at school mmg u tak bagi ur ebm la ek?
I still pumping,but yet 1 time per day and hasilnye pun dalam 8oz aje per bottle..for his daycare..
when I'm on training or bz with other stuff at works, tk sempat nak pump..
selalu akan rs bersalah aje sb tak dapat bg dia susu..
ok ke kalau 8hrs dia tak minum susu?sb my boy mmg tak suka fm..
really makes me worry!
mommy nadia--> budak bila dah setahun lebih & mula makan, susu is no longer the main source of nutri. anak kita kena belajar dpt nutri from food pulak. so lesser dia nyusu, the more dia adjust to depending on food for nutri & energy source.
cam miya at daycare dia minum, freshmilk, goatsmilk, water & juice. cikgu dia kata dia bedal licin aje. siap main2 cheers laga2 cawan dgn kawan2 lagi tu. makan pun bertambah.
so i guess, kat sana dia makan byk sebab dia tak dpt BF. cam kat rumah, makan sikit lg dari kekerapan dia nak BF.
tp in urcase, i think it is best that u still bekalkan dia EBM, so that dia tak yah minum susu lain lg. nnt dah cukup 2thn, tak yah bekalkan dah. biar dia makan & minum apa yg daycare sediakan. then biar dia BF on demand at home saje.
sure cam sedih je kan nak cerai susu. sy ni baru BF rafiq 10 bulan..but dah tgk in d future.."camnela eh nak cerai susu nanti"
manela tahu kot2 akan ade bb baru ke before rafiq masuk 2 tahun. hurmm...
itu ikut pandangan masing2..ikut naluri. if nak teruskan tak salah sy rasa. tak datangkan haram pon..
kdg2 org cam pandang pelik kan..terutama org tua..yela, zaman depa2 dulu takde pendedahan pasal kebaikan BF..yg depa tahu bagi susu. ni based on my experience. ade org pelik nape sy tak campur susu...uwaaa.sian org tu kan..eheheh
abaikan aja kata2 orang. mcm sy pun buat tak tahu je. you are the best mama-miya!!
Hanya ibu itu sahaja yang tahu keperluan anaknya....all the best.
Anyway saya bf anak2 saya semua lebih dua tahun setengah.
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