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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

HOW TO MULTIPLY YOUR BABY’S INTELLIGENCE? (Part 5- Early Education Will Make the Kid Bored Attending Primary School?

Over years, there has been a myth about "Early Education Will Make the Kid Bored Attending Primary School". How far is this true?

Some mothers ask "If I teach my child to read/write/count before he goes to school, won't he be bored when he goes to school?" or a familiar phrase we commonly hear among malay moms “Kecik-kecik ni pegi sekolah, nanti bila masuk darjah satu dia dah takmo pegi sekolah sebab bosan”.

This question is easy to answer....school is boring.

Tak kisah la subject apa yang anak akan belajar dari darjah satu sampai tingkatan lima, if the teaching method is too text book and got no indication of it’s application to daily life, ANAK SURELY AKAN BOSAN.

Unless....... she goes to an extraordinarily fine and very unusual school (sekolah yang tak guna common learning method or syllabus outlined by the ministry of education), you can bet your butts she'll be bored in school.

If she's very bright, she will be bored in school. If she's average, she will be bored in school. If she's not very bright, she'll be bored in school.

Generally,memang sekolah ni membosankan for kids. Even I as adult masih teringat betapa bosannya sekolah ni. Mendengar cikgu mengajar, cuba make sense apa cikgu cuba mengajar ni, mencuba latihan yang cikgu berikan, and then mengeluh bila cikgu bagi homework.....hmm....

So the question here is not "Will they be bored?" Diorang memang akan bosan punya lah.

Sepatutnya kita tanye, "How can one deal with boredom?" or “Apa kita bleh bantu untuk pastikan anak kita tak bosan belajar di sekolah?”.

Actually children deal brilliantly with boredom, and the brighter they are, the better they deal with it. From what I understand from buku Glenn Doman, he said that kalau anak kita bijak berfikir, dia akan bijak mencari cara untuk hilangkan kebosanan dia. Dia akan cari solution instead of just complaining about it.

This is also part of the stuff I mention in my previous post, where anak yang bijak akan ada kurang attitude problem, sebabnya dia bijak berfikir akan solution or cause and action. Dia tahu, takde maknanya kalau dia put up attitude because it will not bring solution, malah akan mendatangkan more problem.

Dengan cara ni, walau sebosan mana anak dlm kelas, dia akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk approach the study in another way to keep her interested.

Yang pentingnya, now we must be a help to them in dealing with boredom. Jangan biarkan dia bosan and stress seorang diri.

Sementara anak kita belum masuk sekolah lagi ni, kita try all kinds of method yang boleh keep our kid interested in learning. Kalau anak kita attention span kurang time kita homeschool dia, cuba pikir macam-macam cara to keep them interested. Contoh; while we teach them counting with object, dia mula tunjuk bosan, tukar method to something else. Try ajak main kejar-kejar or panjat tangga while counting tambah tolak. Or maybe we can ask them to draw 5 apples and 2 banana, then ask what is the total numbers of fruits dia dah lukis. Janji kita dapat attention anak untuk belajar mengira in 1full hour.

Care to share what you're doing to teach your kid on how to deal with boredom?


Liz Rohaizat said...

school is boring! hahaha.. mmg betul pun!

rasanya kena perlu lebih kreatif jika nak anak belajar. jgn suruh dia baca buku je. jgn suruh buat homework je. mcm you ckp, suruh dia lukis sambil mengira. tu bagus. sbb dia masih kecil, x boleh la nak suruh dia belajar serious tgk buku je kan?

batrisyia pegi nursery. so kat sana mmg dah mcm playschool. rasanya nak hantar dia ke tadika masa umur 5 thn la kot sbb dia ada belajar kat nursery gak


a'a..nak habis primary and secondary scool mmg boring!
the only make me intrested to go scool last time b'cos of frenz!!

skrang ni pun I try to make learning is a fun things!
thru musics and main sama2 kan..
I was suprised bila I play wit my kid and counting the balls..he can count from 1 to 5..kalau bukak buku mahu dia buat dunno aje..
learning method is important kan??

nadnye said...

Kalau dengan sylabus kat MSIA , confirm boring.. muahahaha..

tu la yang duk fikir dulu tapi setakat kat rumah mmg la bole buat macam2 .. kalau kat sekolah tu, bila boring tu la budak2 tu berjalan sana sini..

Mila_ibu najihah said...

oo..i mmg sgt2 agree school is boring! smpai skrg pun masih rasa lega sbb da tak perlu melalui itu lagi.hehe.

kalau cuma harap pada buku dan homework yg mmg kena rujuk buku mmg boring la,unless baca buku cerita. I'm sure. learning yg dalam fun condition mesti lagi mudah untuk maintain the interest.

ada satu katun preschool kat astro tu, budak tu mmg suka sgt pegi sekolah..excited je, sebab dia ada terlalu banyak soalan sains and math and his cikgu akan bagi jawapan yg common sense, yg experimental yg fun, so all the preschooler suka utk involved.

macam najihah,kalau baca buku pun kita kena wat bunyi2 yg berkaitan jd dia minat or just lead her through a video watching , sambil2 spent time tengok tv sesamer,sambil explain apa yg dia tengok tu.just my 2cent

Hanz said...

Babe, school kat mesia ni memang boring..cara approach teaching tu meamng tak betul..tah bilerlah kurikulum pendidikan kat mesia ni nak improve? itu antara sebab me nak continue HS my boys...but, my SIL's family yang baru balik cuti dari scotland informed diaorang sronok sangat belajar kat sana...mat salleh punyer approach jauh beza, macam banyak projek, visits & santai takder macam Mesia yang exam-oriented.

yatie chomeyl said...

i pun rasa school is boring sbb tu masa kecik2 dulu suka buat2 demam sbb xmo gi skeolah hik3x.

Confession of a Coffeeholic Mama-Miya said...

liz--> i think bukan budak kecik aje cepat bosan asyik ngadap buku, kita yg tua ni pun kalau baca heavy article tak sampai setengah jam dah menguap. hahahhaa..

i got a feeling nanti bila anak dah mula sekolah kita kena dok study dgn dia & try to make the subject in study more interesting coz i rs at school, they might not really grasp the whole thing coz bosan or sibuk mencari idea utk hilang bosan.

miya so far enjoy her playschool at daycare & each week ada aje activity lain dr lain yg the cikgu akan introduce cam finger painting, kinderdance and even reading time pun ikut tema. if only the real school cannot be so serious & exam oriented.

mommy nadia--> time sekolah dulu i look fwd to time rehat & time blk. coz time tu la aje yg tak boring..hahaha. even to keep myself interested, time kelas kena main2 chat pass around notes. kalo tak, koma dah.

betul tu, learning method is important. glenn doman kata, if u r not having fun & the kids not having fun. you should stop teaching. kita ni cakap senang la, sebab kita bleh ajar anak kita. tp how we wish we can tell the teacher this. also tokleh blame cikgu kalau dia bosan, maybe syllabus yg dia kena complete tu mmg stressful & membosankan. dia pun ada requirement yg kena fulfill.

drama mama--> tu la..i dok pikir gitu. kita ni senang la nak cari akal to keep the educating process tu fun. tp kat sekolah nnt camne la..

nadnye--> its not a bad thing yg sylibus msia ni padat dengan ilmu.

br ni i tgk ctg silibus BM utk budak darjah satu. terkujat ooo, ada karangan & pemahaman. seingat i time darjah satu dulu, br start belajar tulis ayat2 simple guna tatabahasa.

kalau gini, this means, masuk darjah satu wajib tahu menulis & membaca in BM. kalau tak u might be in kelas special/corot.

i think tak elok utk self-esteem budak.

mila--> i think its not fair to be robbing fun from it kan? maybe the actual goal not just exam result, but more of a training b4 we send out these kids to the real world.

i kinda enjoy math sekolah rendah coz dia punye question more of applied math. cam kalau nak sampai destinasi at certain time, pukul brape kena kluar rumah. or kalau ada duit seringgit, brape gula2 & air kotak boleh di beli.

there r times i wish that we moms get to stay at home to become teacher & salary paid by goverment. even training is provided. kurangnye kita ibu2 ni fulfill requirement islam where perempuan jaga suami & educate anak. tak yah risau pasal benda lain kat dunia ni. :D i know it sounds a bit kolot, but atleast now our cita2 ni lebih murni dr us climbing the corporate ladder and dpt dosa tanpa nikmat. just my 2sen. ;)

hanz--> totally agree about school being too exam oriented. takut2 aje nnt msia start having cases cam japan where budak primary school nak bunuh diri coz tak tahan stress study, pressure to keep up with the parents pride & exam yg susah tahap dewa.(i pernah nak try buat japanese math exam budak darjah 3, pergh..susah giler).

betul tu, school should be fun & ada connection to its life application. i remembered how much i enjoyed field trips & amali coz time tu la dpt nampak how the theory make sense. seeing is believing. kalo takat dengar aje, masuk telinga kiri, kluar telinga kanan.. brape sgt kita dgr kalo dok menguap or terlena dlm kelas tu kan?

yatie--> geng aa..slalu auta.. jom cari cara tolong anak kita supaya dia tak fall into the same fate.

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