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Dear All Boobfeed Mommies,
As we all know Breastfeeding is IN; Its the most fashionable way to raise our offspring and give em the best kickstart in life. Chewah....ayat konon hip & happening.
But seriously, it common sense that we know BREAST IS BEST, right?
However, we all know that not many moms out there are properly educated on what exclusive breastfeeding is all about. Kalau ada yang properly educated pun, they might not have the proper support and courage to brave the breastfeeding challenges.
So............. what can we experienced breastfeeding moms can offer?
How about we become a great "boobfeed buddies" and support our friends in their breastfeeding journey. Hope you guys staying nearby could join this event. Boleh kita bagi semangat to other moms and moms to be to breastfeed their child.
-This is an event organized by a good friend of mine.
- Hope other mommies can spread the word in your blogs too.
bestnya, tak pernah ada kesempatan nak join...
dekat plak tu dgn rumah parents I...
tp dah rancang nak balik umah PIL pd tarikh ni...
bestnyer....ala ruginyer weeknd tu g holiday....kalo x msti jom kecoh jgak!!!
Pesanan drpd organizer,
Tape kalau tak boleh datang... tolong panjang2 kan je poster ni...
Supaya org yg takde aktiviti lain pada 27th ni boleh la luang sikit masa utk bersama2 menjayakan kempen ni..
Terima kasih pada Mama-Miya dan pembaca/pengikut blog Mama-Miya..
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