I read this in the news this morning:
Serotonin normally helps babies respond to high carbon-dioxide levels during sleep by helping them wake up and shift their head position to get fresh air, says senior author Hannah Kinney of Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital Boston.
When babies are placed face down, their exhaled carbon dioxide may pool in loose bedding, where it can be breathed back in, Kinney says.
Normally, babies sense high carbon-dioxide levels automatically and wake up, she says. Babies who don't respond appropriately, however, may never wake up.
"This could have a huge impact," says Rachel Moon, a leading SIDS researcher at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, who wasn't involved in the new study.
Researchers performed autopsies on 35 infants who died of SIDS, comparing chemicals in their brainstems with those found in seven babies who died unexpectedly of known causes and five infants who died from other chronic problems related to a lack of oxygen, the study says.
Serotonin levels were 26% lower in the tissue of babies who died from SIDS, the study says."
Hmm...I'm not a doctor or a medical experts...But I do know that serotonin ni have something to do with feel good factor & feeling happy kan?
Do you think it would work if we love the kid & make 'em happy will boost up the serotonins? (excuse me if i sound like a bimbo)
Hmm...I think I have a theory on this in connection to Breastfeeding. Breastmilk is a best source of nutri for infants. breastmilk also have that "high" properties (ganja kindalike) that keeps the kids comfy & happy. So it lead to a great seratonin production thru the GI process thingy...Therefore boost the serotonin level...Therefore conclude on why kids who are breastfed are at lower risk for SIDS..Adoi, I think I used too much of my brain cells there..
sy mmg stuju ngan point pasal breastfeeding tu, baby bila dapat cium bau ibu dia dekat2 pun diorg da rasa selesa n selamat..'feels like home' gitu, apatah lg if breastfeed. Yaa..I think it might contribute to leveling up the serotonin level. :)
yeahhh2.... betul betul betul... setuju...
I couldn't agree more. one more thing, Asian moms sleeps besides their babies. do you think that it's also a contributing fact to help babies feel happy as oppose to Western moms who put their baies in a separate cot?
i would prefer my baby sleeping in a separated cot.marriage is marriage,anak,is anak lah.
hhaah wpon theory u berbelit2, tapi i faham apa yg u cuba impose tu...i setuju *angguk kepala laju2*
kan best kalau klinik ajo mende2 ni..ni tak, kalo ku tanya dia kata aku nk jd doktor plak..hesh..
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