The result is....
We made rendang hitam, a suitable match for the lemang.
We also made our own nasi impit, but tak brape menjadi...
We also made kuah kacang by using Peanut butter chunky. Sedap..tapi terover lemak. Boleh gemuk kalau makan banyak-banyak tu.
Then, petang tu we packed a bit of the dish and bring it to rumah Pak Ngah Andin. We all berbuka there, solat jemaah Magrib and then bertakbir raya bersama-sama. Mak Ngah Shaliz cooked rendang ayam, rendang tok, sambal paru, cake pisang & case chocolate. Even ada banyak kuih raya. Semuanya sedap.
Then we went back home with a full tummy & happy heart.
Malam tu, tetibe temperature Miya naik. O nooooooooo... Miya demam...
Kejap naik kejap turun..
Tapi Miya tak cranky, Miya is still in raya mood. Miya pakai baju cantik-cantik & skype dgn sedara mara back in Malaysia. Happy sangat Miya tunjuk laku & menyampaikan ucapan Hari Raya to them.
Dunno Miya demam sebab apa. Perubahan cuaca? Teething? Something else?
-No flu, no cough, no tummy ache. Just rise & fall of temperature.
hey miya...sedap tak rendang mama masak..pandai mama miya cook 4 raya...aunty cooking raya belum berani lagi..hehhe...yeayy get well soon ye..perubahan musin kot...musim raya...hehee
get well soon dear..demam raya ;)
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