Being a mother is an excitement and enticement and a growth. It is the possibilty that haunts and delights the young girl as she grows to womanhood. It is a part of the fantasy, both her longing for it and her fear of it. The months of pregnancy highlight all the richness of the remembered and internalized experience about mothering. The birth itself brings forth the baby, until now a fantasy, into reality. This real baby is a constant changing, crying, knowing being, and for me the delight of this experience has been one of the most important parts of my life as a women.
-this is Mama Miya's formal apology sebab marah kat Miya yg cranky. Mama paham Miya tak sihat, teething & uncomfy... Its just that I got a bit stressed out by Miya's unusual behavior. Love you, sayang!
miya comelnye baju merah!!! rambut mcm sami!!! everytime i marah sami.. sami sengih balik.. aisehh
sabar.. sabar.. sabar..
it's easy to say..
it's part of motherhood they say...
amboi muncung mulut tu nape? hehe mmg anak ni byk buat kite jadi lebih sabar..
Don't worry too much dear.
It's normal sgt2..
It's part of motherhood too..
We are not perfect though how hard we try to be..
U should ask my kids :)
The best part for them is when Kyaz kena apologise to them if i loose my temper,tersilap marah k,etc,etc.
With 6 of them...u can imagine how it is..HeeHeeHee.
eventhough u marah u kid, dia ttap syg kan u..betul tak?mcmamana u mum mrh kat u ms kcik2 but ttap syg kat dia...kan?same with miya...
kdg i mrh zaffran sb buat prgai bila i tgh penat..dia buat2 nangis, pg jauh kejap pastu dtg balik menepek kat i...huhu
Gambar nie sangat chanteks! ;)
alalala comeynya miya
selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin ye
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