"A galactogogue is a substance which is used to increase the production of milk in humans and other animals. It may be synthetic, plant-derived, or endogenous.
Most of those discovered have been found to interact with the dopamine system in such a way to increase the production of prolactin endogenously.
Examples include Domperidone & Metoclopramide (synthetic), sweet potato, silymarin, and fenugreek (plant-derived), and prolactin (endogenous)."
Anyway, tonight I plan to cook Beef & Fennel Pie. Let me see if Fennel helps boost up breastmilk too coz a new info I learn today that Fennel is also a galactogogue.
Another direct quote from Wikipedia:
"There are historical anecdotes that fennel is a galactogogue,[16] improving the milk supply of a breastfeeding mother. This use, although not supported by direct evidence, is sometimes justified by the fact that fennel is a source of phytoestrogens, which promote growth of breast tissue.[17] However, normal lactation does not involve growth of breast tissue. There is a single case report of fennel tea ingested by a breastfeeding mother resulting in neurotoxicity for the newborn child.[18]"
I give an update on my little experiment tomorrow ok? If it works I'll share the Beef & Fennel Pie recipe with u all.
Looks like Celery..is it?
u ade masa buat sume nih? beshnye i nak goreng telor pon xsempat cemana tuh
pleae share the recipe hehehe
buat sup pun sedap kan ni :)
fannel ni cross breed between kobis & celery. so rasa dia ada cam bwg skit but lebih berair cam kobis.
even sedap kalau baked it by potong nipis & curah olive oil+balsamic vinergar+sprinkle sugar. then put on top of pasta..yummy.
ni i saje try nak masak dlm beef pie. bukan pe, jumpa jual murah kat pasar aritu 70sen sebijik.
Alhamdulillah..i think it works a bit for me to increase BM. last night miya fussy & nyusu the whole night. pagi tadi bila i bgn sahur, my breast still rasa heavy. even now tgh puasa pun, i tgk miya minum susu ok & puas. she didnt need a 2nd helping of FM.
salam Mama Miya. I know this comment is very late, like over a year after your piece of writing. I minum air biji halba tu while i was breastfeeding. memang terasa susu bertambah. Especially useful after terpisah dari baby for a few days (outstation for work).
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