After my little experiment cooking with fennel last night, Alhamdulillah my breastmilk supply got a bit of a boost. It really helped alot coz Miya was fussy the whole night, so sikit2 nak susu.
Actually it is not as powerful as taking edamame (remembered i posted before on this, saying my boob bengkak after eating em), but it is more effective than fenugreek, ice blended soya kurma, lobak putih, dried longan. Maybe my body ni mmg lain skit dr org lain kot. But alhamdulillah now I have additional menu to cook at home. Moreover, fennel ni is cheaper than lobak putih & edamame here. This is a good thing for me coz finally i jumpa vege mat salleh yang cheap, but helpful for breastfeeding mom.
So ni dia, I share my recipe of Beef & Fennel Pie.
* minyak masak
* 1 bwg besar diced
* 1 medium size fennel di hiris halus
* 3 ulas garlic minced
* 1 tspn fennel seed/jintan
* 1 tspn serbuk ketumbar
* 1 egg
* 400g ground beef
* 1 tspn salt/ secukup rasa
* Frozen puff pastry square
* 1cup chicken stock/beef broth
* ½ cup cream
* pinch of Italian herbs
* 2 tspn corn flour
* 1tspn blackpepper
* 1tspn sugar
* salt to taste
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F / 190 degrees C. Lightly grease a baking pie dish & lay frozen puff pastry.
2. Heat the vegetable oil in a skillet over medium heat. Stir in the onion, fennel, and garlic. Cook and stir until the fennel is tender, and the onion has softened and turned translucent, about 5 minutes. Turn of the heat and let it cool down.
3. Meanwhile, beat the egg in a bowl and stir in the salt, fennel seed and ketumbar seed. Then mix in the ground beef. Add the cooked vegetable mixture, and stir until combined.
3. Curah the inti into the prepared pie dish and cover it with another piece of puff pastry. Seal/ Kelim the sides just like kelim curry puff. Then make tiny holes with knife on top of the pie. This is to avoid the pie from bursting while the into cooks in the oven.
4. Bake in the preheated oven until the pastry has turned golden-brown, about 30 minutes – 1 hour, depends on the type of oven.
5. While the pie is baking, prepare the sauce. Mix all of the ingredient for the sauce in a sauce pan and put over medium heat. Stir until the sauce pekat and then add salt to taste. Then its done.
6. When the pie is done, cut and pour the sauce on top. Serve panas-pana. Bon appetite!
Okie, since I dah try that Fennel works for me in increasing my breastmilk, I think I will be cooking a lot using this since its cheap. So.... kalau kawan-kawan I out there got some recipes on fennel, do share yek?
emm.yummy....:P i nak tryla.lg2 nk posa ready food yg le increse milk kn..thnks for sharing:)
tp i confuse bab pastry yg besar ke?
Salam mama miya,
I got info from forwarded email that air rebusan fennel seeds could help to prevent H1N1 flu. Eventho, tak byk lagi kes H1N1 kat oz, at least bolehlah jadi prevention kan, as well as boost up milk supply. Bagus jintan manis nih! ;)
- arnie -
ummi salsabila-> kalau tak jumpa frozen pastry besar cam i guna, u can use frozen pastry for "pampas" or frozen pastry square jenama "kawanku". dia dlm smaller cube, so u kena pakai rollingpin utk tebar jd nipis & besar to fit into pie size.
to ar.nie-> i pun pernah dpt that info. itu la i rasa mmg fennel ni pun byk bantu kontrol h1n1 kat australia coz org sini mmg makan fennel as sayur harian. imagine padahal h1n1 msia tu dtgnye dr melbourne, from org msia yg ber holiday di sini. but alhamdulillah so far its within control & tak merbahaya to org biasa2. so i rasa antara sebabnye coz fennel ni sayur famous during winter season. murah & byk jual ni. so maybe ramai org sini rajin makan & bantu prevent h1n1. even cases kematian kaitan dgn h1n1 ni only kaitan dgn org yg berpenyakit kronik or mmg system badan lemah. alhamdulillah kalau org sihat biasa kena h1n1, diorang recover cam kena winter flu aje.
tapi kita nursing moms kena jugak berjaga2 pasal selalu minum air rebusan jintan ni coz ada cases reported baby keracunan thru breastmilk. so i prefer we all makan fennel yg sayur tu dr consume fennel seed.
mama-miya; fennel sayur tu ae ke jual kat malaysia? cam tak pernah dengar jek.
myAqeelah-> i ada pernah jumpa kat tesco extra, jusco & coldstorage. so kalau nak try tu cuba2 la cari kat supermarket yg ada jual vege pelik2 ni. tak silap i dlm RM3-5 sebijik
babe, i beli edamam eheri tu sbb nak try keberkesanannya..heheh..but I rasa biasa je. maybe it doesnt work on me. nest time I try this recipe plak. thanks 4 sharing ;)
ya allah mekasih aje la kalu nk suh i masak pie.. tp i nk carik la buat sayur goreng aje pon sodap kot hehehee
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