Ke mana we all menghilang satu family? We went to Auckland, NZ.
We got an email from the Australian Immigration on a Pre-grant of our PR. Then for them to make a decision, we must exit Australia 1st. So we booked the cheapest flight out of Australia, that is to Auckland on Emirates. We even took the earliest flight that checks-in at 4.15 am.
So the night before the flight, we went to bed at 8pm and woke up at 3am. Miya surely was excited. She was wide awake by 3.30.

This is a picture of Mama & Miya at the Myers Park. The building behind us is a kindie. Bestkan sekolah budak2 kat tempat yg sungguh green.
Anyway, on 25th June, we got out PR. So we celebrated with a big bowl of maggi ayam (with losts of vege & small chicken chunks-ayam kat NZ mahal. lamb murah) & a pint of butterscotch ice-cream. Miya makan byk tau ice-cream tu. Mujo hotel room ada heater, so its ok makan benda sejuk2.
ur doter is sooo cute laaa!
geram tgk kecubbyian pipinya!
eh u pun kecil molek juga orgnye ye hehehe
baru prasan bila tgk pic u n miya at myers park tu!
kalu tgk my pic with miya kat myers park tu, can see dia dah separuh ketinggian i. tak lama lg dia akan lg tinggi dr i aa ni, kan?
comelnya miya...............muka dia iras mama dia kan?:)tgk kat gambar yg dia baring2 ngn toys tu.
nway,congrate dh dpt aussie PR.
waah so skang ni ade 2 kenegaraan la ek???
cutenye miya makan eskrem tu :D
bowl besar lagi satu tu apa? nampak mcm ice cream vanilla je..yummy...
nak cubit2 pipi miya..bam bam btol (^-*)
umi nuha--> tak pernah org kata miya iras i. bl u kata iras, terubat skit hati ku yg luka.
farah--> i baru dpt PR aje..masih lg warga negara msia. kalau diorang nak offer citizenship pun, i takkan lepaskan msia. negara ku terchenta! the land of belacan, budu & chincalok.
yatie chomeyl--> yg bowl pertama tu maggi ayam bersayo, ku masak dgn daging ayam halal & frozen vege beli kat convi store sebelah hotel. yg bowl ke2, butterscotch ice-cream. nama dia HOKEY POKEY. rasanye half pint tu miya aje kot yg makan tu. makanan dia sendiri tak nak makan, ice-cream or choc tu laju aje.. haru haru.........
suka gambar Miya kat stroller tu..
seperti biasa, miya sgt cute. wah, mkn ais krim mcm dah tak pandang kiri kanan je rupanya!
tak lama lagi miya tinggi maknya? hehe, bunyi mcm dlm 2-3 hari je lagi.. ekeke.. xpe kalau anak lg tinggi dr mak.
mama miya.. i jeles kat u la your life skang miya is so cute geram! nak cubit2
hi there!
glad to see miya sihat and cute....mcm rasa nak peluk miya jer....bukan mama miya yer...ngeh! ngeh!
congrats mate! akhirnye segala usaha penat lelah tensen depress sume.. suksess
i was reading ur i scroll down, i looked at miya's pic at the end of it i realised that...."OMG!!!!miya's lips is as same as urs!!!"
Bestnyer U ada PR Australian. How long you intend to stay there?
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