Brad Pitt Keeps Clean With Baby Wipes? No time for a shower? Freshen up with a baby wipe or two! Apparently that's what dad-of-six Brad Pitt does.
Actor Eli Roth tells People that Brad, 45, offered up the unusual hygeine tip while the two were working together on the set of their film, Inglourious Basterds.
"After a scene, Brad had to get next to me for a close-up shot, and he said, 'Damn, you're ripe.' I said, 'I didn’t have time to shower.' He said, 'Baby wipes, man, baby wipes.'"
It seems that showers can sometimes be a luxury in the Jolie-Pitt household. Eli recalls Brad's explanation: "I got six kids. All you've got to do is just take [the baby wipes], a couple quick wipes under the pits. Man, I'm getting [peed] on all day. I don't have time to take a shower."
What did Eli think of his co-star's advice? "I thought that was the greatest tip," he says.
Eleh En Pitt, we mommies dah lama tau baby wipes tu antara benda paling penting perlu ada dlm handbag. Tu la lap bontot anak, tula lap tgn & muka anak. Tu la yg i buat lap ketiak (every 1hour) on the days I sampai opis/uni, then i sedar i lupa pakai deodorant coz pagi td rushing before kluar rumah. Tu la yg buat lap toy anak or any of the baby stuff yg terjatuh atas lantai, jalan or tanah. Tu la yg buat lap babychair kat foodcourt or restaurant...I guna tu jugak utk cuci microwave & fridge. it is also useful nak lap habuk kat rumah....Also tu la jugak buat remove make up...also yg paling penting for me here now, very useful kalau pegi public or uni's loo (almaklum aa, mat & minah salleh ni tak cuci bontot. so mostly mmg takde bidet kat loo diorang)..
So I rasa i patut beli saham company buat baby wipes...Maybe ada chance cepat kaya...
aku lepas wipes montot baby mesti nak basuh ngan air jugak lepas tuh...huhuhu..
Mama-Miya, funny-lah you. Nama lain wipes ni bukan ker kain buruk? ekekekek...rumah orang Malaysia, mesti ada, kan? Lap meja, lap sinki, lap tangan, itu kalau kat dapur, kalau dalam bilik pun ada jugak, kan? Perkara biasa jer...bukannya elok pakai tisu, membanyakkan sampah, not good for environemnt!
cuci tgh tu masih wajib ooo...kalu tak anak leh kena rotavirus & penyakit sekumpulan dgnnye...
for me, kalau tak jumpa air tuk basuh tgn, dettol hand sanitizer la yg ku guna..
so 2 benda wajib i bwk most of the time, baby wipe & hand sanitizer...dah le now case swine flu dah naik almost 200 cases ni...tak pasal2 i dah mula develop germ fobia..
dunno la hanz, utk certain benda i mmg prefer pakai wipes...u try aa skali, banding lap habuk cabinet dgn kain buruk & wipes..yg dgn wipes tu habuk lg byk being removed, kalau dgn kain buruk tu still ada lekat kat furniture..so byk kali kena lap...:D kalu cuci dapo & etc, kain buruk still 1st choice coz save duit..huhuhuhu
btul btul..mee tooo..wipes tu wajib dlm beg...
hahaha...tu pon en pitt nak kecoh ek..kite dah lame dah tau kegunaan baby wipe tu..
numbers of swine flu cases here dah naik to 500++..so mmg la I bwk hand sanitizer and slalu wipe tgn we all, especially tgn miya yg slalu masuk mulut selepas pegang merata2.
one of the best way to keep precautions is to never put your hand to your face (mouth&nose) after tgn dah sentuh memacam benda in public (butang on tram, butang lift, benda2 display in shelves di kedai & etc).
hence, the importance of having wipes in your handbag...
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