Behavior of Children That Can trigger Anger, Abuse & Frustration:
- Screaming
- Refuse to feed & fussy eater
- Tantrums & whinning
- Biting
- Disobidience aka Degil aka Buas satu macam
- Potty training
- Making a huge mess after you have cleaned the house
We know it is not right, but it did happen. So what should we do? try to remember these few points..or at least ini la what i keep on reminding myself:
- most children go thru periods of tantrums, disobedience and untruthfullness.
- no parents are perfect & there is no such thing as the perfect child.
- all parents become frustrated at times.
- children learn from us, if we scream or hit them, they will end up doing the same thing.
Behavior of Children That Can trigger Anger, Abuse & Frustration:
* Screaming
* Refuse to feed & fussy eater
* Tantrums & whinning
* Biting
* Disobidience aka Degil aka Buas satu macam
* Potty training
* Making a huge mess after you have cleaned the house
my kids have 6 out of 7..
6*2 kids=12
i am super stress........
salwa, sabar sabar...cobaan...huhuhu..i br anak sorang ni pun ada time tu lose temper..especially time dia koyakkan my lecture notes...
bila anak buat perangai, kita terfikir.. camne la mak aku jaga kitorang adik beradik nie. dah la sampai ke besar buat perangai. ahaks.
i pernah ikut satu kuliah seorang ustaz nie. dia ckp, kita tak boleh marah anak kita yg di bwh umur 4 thn sbb mereka nie tak boleh berfikir dgn wajar. mereka apa buat apa yg mereka suka. tp kdg2, terlepas jugak kan?
salam mama miya,
kakyong setiap hari bertarzan2 dgn anak2.. terutama yg besor 2 org ni.. terutama bila part depa sepahkan rumah, punggah sana-sini.. tp yg best part makan.. kalo ibu tgh masak yg 2 besor okay, tp si aliya plak yg terjerit2...
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