Last night I check my result for one of my master's papers. I passed..mere passed...Ahhh..stress giler.... The paper was hard, but I did try my best...yet i just passed....stress otak gue....Giler2 punye moody...Feel like kicking butts, not other people's but only my own...
So what did I do to went out that ugly feeling? I made sushi. My 1st attempt in making sushi. Bought all of the basic ingredient & tools at coles. Then I watched some online videos.
The hardest part was cooking the rice. 2 cups of short grain rice. Rendam in 2 cups of water for a while till nampak the rice kembang2 turn to white. Then cook it. I use microwave coz we don't have rice cooker. When the rice is ready, heat up 2 tablespoon of rice vinegar with 2 tablespoon of sugar & 1 tablespoon of salt. Heat up just to get the salf & sugar to desolve.
Then pour the mixture in the rice. Kacau rata, then leave the rice to cool.
Then can start with the rolling process. For the filling i used: cucumber, avocado, Japanese mayonnaise, tamago (telur dada jepun cooked in sweet soya sauce), prawn and a bit of fusion... serunding ikan.
I can't say its a huge success, but its a great success for a 1st timer & also it was really good for me to forget my anger over my exam marks. So this is how I cope with stress..I try new stuff that makes me feel good. Nak terbalik pusat jugak la makan sushi tu. Biasa makan that much would be $12. Huhuhuhu..Tgk ni, Miy pun beria enjoy.(kena bg dia makan beralas newspaper, kalau tak stress pulak I nak cuci carpet)
uhh.. tak pernah lagi buat sushi... terror la tu..
sedap jea tgk miya makan..
aku kurang gemar makan sushi..hikss
sabar jer la dgn result tu ye..nsb baik ada sushi yang lazatttt oisyi nee
salam Mama-Miya..
banyak kali jugak masuk ni but this is my 1st time commenting..
Congrats..dah time cuba lagi
BTW..thanks for become 'folower' in my blog yang sungguh tak seberapa tu and thx for ilmu y saya dpt kat sini.....
salam mama-miya
heheh, cam terer jer buat sushi tu.. kakyong ni part sushi tu tak brp sgt... tp suka tgk org makan..
result pass ok lah tu.. tahniah.. brp lama lagi di ozzi..
harini i dpt blk the feedback on my exam paper tu, i think i did kinda good for a non lawyer. the lecturer tu said i pointed out really good points yg lawyer selalu miss, but pity i missed the points yg lawyer biasa detect..huhuhuhu..dah sah i bukan mmg la lain pikirnye.
anyway now dah naik semangat nak menjawab exam seterusnye.
kakyong>>> insyaallah kalau ada rezeki, i akan berada di sini selama boleh. nak try luck di negara org, so nnt bila pulang ke tanah air ada byk ilmu di dada. plan nak jd lecturer & tolong anak bangsa. :) so far yg i tau, org melayu ni yg dlm bidang i cukup kurang di msia. boleh kira dgn jari tau. so ingat nak blk nnt nak ajar org kita apa yg i belajar.
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