Yesterday we went to the Maternal and Child Health Centre to register Miya for the health checks & immunization. There Miya can get free check up & immunization. Its really wonderful of what the government here is doing for the people. They call this “best start”. (Hanum mom to Nisa’-another Malaysian mom in Melbourne- would definitely agree with me that this is the best programme that a government should have for the people)
So at the centre, we meet Nurse Isabel. A very warm person and guess what, she is a Malaysian too. Penang person, but now residing well in Melbourne.
She took all of our details, it’s really thorough. Like an interview, but in a very friendly environment... and while we get out details & history recorded, Miya pun sibuk la inspect office nurse tu. She even explored under the nurse’s table.
Then we got Miya’s weight & height taken. She is now 8.8kg & 71.4cm tall. This means she only gained 1kg for the past 2months, but she definitely got taller (her last height last 2months was 63cm). Wow, she going to be taller than me! Then the nurse asked me, am I really this short. Then I told her she should have seen my mother who is smaller than me...
And so she concluded that I should not worry about Miya’s weight coz since I came from a petite gene, Miya can be considered as a healthy toddler. So no supplement required. Meaning I don’t have to give Miya Pediasure Complete. (Lega- save budget...Phewww...)
Then the nurse asked more question regarding Miya’s development and she concluded that Miya had achieved more than any average toddler has and she will definitely grow into a smart girl. Oh..cukup bangga mama-miya di situ.
We were then given a few pamphlet regarding immunization and a blue booklet-copy of miya’s health recoved. The nurse asked me to read everything regarding the immunization before we come over next week for miya to take her 12months jab. She said after I have fully understood about the jab and given consent, I will have to sign the red card as a proof of consent.(Wow..these people really got every legal perspective covered).
Then regarding the blue book, we were told to bring this every time for a check up and in case of emergency, it is crucial for us to bring it along to the ER.
Back at home in Malaysia, we only got 1 yellow card and was told to follow up with the appointments & jabs ikut age..tu aje.
Well i this the programme here is kinda good, especially for parents yg cant afford to spend time reading babycare books...and also good programme to educate parents yg cant afford to spend money on books too.
Another important thing i just noted after reading the Australian Immunization list & compare dgn the list yg i ada in the yellow card, I sedar Anti-flu jab being listed there for 15months. WTF! I tot there is not Flu jab for kids below 2? Then kenapa in the Yellow card ada? Yang benar ni? Sure or not ni?
sami dah abis enjek2 nih.. tinggal yg xwajib aje..miss miya..
owh ne injek la ek... cian miya... nangis tak??? semoga miya n mama dia sihat sejahtera di perantauan org... muah to miya dear k....
wlaupun anak da bsar tp i still buat follow up kt klinik kjaan, sbb kite leh monitor kesihatan anak2 dan dpt pelbagai info...
flu jab... dalam buku biru [msia] hassan nye tak de pun..
kami kat sini cuma tambah je lagik 3 yg tak jawib kat msia...
may me mama miya pi private hospital kat msia ke? lain lak ngan kami nye..
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