About my Blog

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Miya mula mengeja!!

Just now dia pointed to Monitor PC papa dia and said:


Wah..anak mama mengeja...Tapi silap ejaan la sayang.

Miya mula mengeja!!

Just now dia pointed to Monitor PC papa dia and said:


Wah..anak mama mengeja...Tapi silap ejaan la sayang.

Miya the Late Teether & an Eager Teether too..

Miya got her 1st tooth at 15months old. Pops out the 2 lower incisor.

Then last month on Hari Raya, Miya got a fever and pops come out the other 1 and half upper incisor. With this, along comes another 4 tiny bumps on of lateral incisor (top & bottom). But none have yet cut through the gum.

So I said to myself, Ala...yg lain tu lambat la lagi kluarnye.

This morning, we had our usual "tooth brushing battle". Miya pegang berus gigi while Mama pegang kain to clean Miya's teeth. Usually she will shut tight her mouth. On some good days, she will just open a tiny bit. But today was different. She open her mouth all wide, macam anak burung mintak makan.

Dalam hati I said, Wah..anak aku good mood...so boleh cuci the whole mouth. Cuci gigi, cuci lidah...then cuci gusi belakang..

Suddenly I could feel something sharp tersangkut at the wash cloth..Buang kain and raba with my fingers....

Woah..terus I jerit to Papa Miya "Anak dah ada gigi GARHAM".

Yup, she got her first molar on the right side TOP and BOTTOM. But nothing on the left side.

HikHikHik..the eager teether tumbuh gigi tak ikut susunan aturan...

Takpe la anak, janji ada gigi. Patutla laju aje menguyah lately.

Miya the Late Teether & an Eager Teether too..

Miya got her 1st tooth at 15months old. Pops out the 2 lower incisor.

Then last month on Hari Raya, Miya got a fever and pops come out the other 1 and half upper incisor. With this, along comes another 4 tiny bumps on of lateral incisor (top & bottom). But none have yet cut through the gum.

So I said to myself, Ala...yg lain tu lambat la lagi kluarnye.

This morning, we had our usual "tooth brushing battle". Miya pegang berus gigi while Mama pegang kain to clean Miya's teeth. Usually she will shut tight her mouth. On some good days, she will just open a tiny bit. But today was different. She open her mouth all wide, macam anak burung mintak makan.

Dalam hati I said, Wah..anak aku good mood...so boleh cuci the whole mouth. Cuci gigi, cuci lidah...then cuci gusi belakang..

Suddenly I could feel something sharp tersangkut at the wash cloth..Buang kain and raba with my fingers....

Woah..terus I jerit to Papa Miya "Anak dah ada gigi GARHAM".

Yup, she got her first molar on the right side TOP and BOTTOM. But nothing on the left side.

HikHikHik..the eager teether tumbuh gigi tak ikut susunan aturan...

Takpe la anak, janji ada gigi. Patutla laju aje menguyah lately.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Are we being fair to our parents?

Since last night I've been haunted by this one thought. We mothers have been doing our best in trying to bring up our children in this big world. We try to give the best affection, attention, clothing, food, education and etc. We would even trade our life for the safety of our offspring. Correct?

So, what if... our parents is a fugitive from the law. Our mother is a wanted woman accused of murder or stealing. Our father is being labeled as a war criminal or a spy from an enemy country....and they are now in hiding......and only we know where they are. Deep in you, you know that your parents are not capable of these crimes and if they did do it, they must have a real good reason behind it.

The law enforcer knows that we have such information, but they have no hard evidence to get us to spit out such info.

Then what if, one fine morning. The police come banging on your door with a warrant saying that you have committed a certain crime, say they there is a firm evidence that proves that you are a drug lord.... truthfully, everyone knows that it is a ridiculous.

However, (like in those hollywood interrogation scene) you were being beaten the crap out of u and then given the choice; to plead guilty to a life sentence or to give the location of your parents.

What would you do?

Now remember of what I wrote earlier about how much we would do, in order to make sure our children is safe from the cruel world....and now do you think that our parents did do the same thing for us when we were just a wee tiny creature on this earth.

And again my question...what would you do?

Are we being fair to our parents?

Since last night I've been haunted by this one thought. We mothers have been doing our best in trying to bring up our children in this big world. We try to give the best affection, attention, clothing, food, education and etc. We would even trade our life for the safety of our offspring. Correct?

So, what if... our parents is a fugitive from the law. Our mother is a wanted woman accused of murder or stealing. Our father is being labeled as a war criminal or a spy from an enemy country....and they are now in hiding......and only we know where they are. Deep in you, you know that your parents are not capable of these crimes and if they did do it, they must have a real good reason behind it.

The law enforcer knows that we have such information, but they have no hard evidence to get us to spit out such info.

Then what if, one fine morning. The police come banging on your door with a warrant saying that you have committed a certain crime, say they there is a firm evidence that proves that you are a drug lord.... truthfully, everyone knows that it is a ridiculous.

However, (like in those hollywood interrogation scene) you were being beaten the crap out of u and then given the choice; to plead guilty to a life sentence or to give the location of your parents.

What would you do?

Now remember of what I wrote earlier about how much we would do, in order to make sure our children is safe from the cruel world....and now do you think that our parents did do the same thing for us when we were just a wee tiny creature on this earth.

And again my question...what would you do?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Breastfeeding to be Blamed for Saggy Tits?

Recently and even many times before, many moms on www.susuibu.com forum keep on asking and discussing on will breastfeed distort or sag their breast.

To me, it is only logical that time and gravity will take toll on our darling pair of boobies.

Then this morning I found this article on iVillage newsletter.

Saggy breasts: Will they ever perk up again after weaning?

by Debbi Donovan, IBCLC (see more from this expert)

Q:I have a post-breastfeeding question. I breastfed my baby for seven months. I just weaned him over a month ago. My breasts have gone down almost to my original bra size. However, they do not look or feel anything like they did before I breastfed. They are very saggy for one thing. They also feel so empty. I know I'm used to them being full of milk, but this is like there is nothing inside of them -- not even breast tissue. Will they ever perk up again?

A:It can be surprising after weaning (or after pregnancy, in non-nursing moms) to see how your breasts have changed. Breast changes occur in all women as they age, and not just in women who have given birth (or breastfed).

How your breasts change during a pregnancy is related to genetics, skin elasticity and amount of weight gain. Avoidance of smoking and excessive sun exposure can help the skin to retain its elasticity.

Breastfeeding often gets blamed for the sagging of breasts. Actually, it is pregnancy and not nursing that affects the shape and size of your breasts. Breastfeeding and gradual weaning make it more likely that fat will be redeposited in your breasts, helping them to regain more of their pre-pregnancy appearance (Minchin, 1989).

Usually by about six months after weaning, your breasts will have returned to more of their pre-pregnancy look. They also will feel more dense, as fatty tissue begins to fill them out again.

Read more: http://parenting.ivillage.com/baby/bbreastfeed/0,,3wvw,00.html?nlcid=pb|10-26-2009|#ixzz0V4zBo9Hz

So whether you breastfeed or not, your breast will have changes to it...

And my advice is to invest on a great bra and don't limit yourself to those granny bra or nursing bra only. For over 17months of breastfeeding, I'm proud to declair that I only have 1 bright pink nursing bra (gift from bitch when i became a mom) and the rest of my collection are the front-hook "hip & happening" bras. Front hooks are also a great solution for breastfeeding mom. You just unhook it, feed & hook it, but it does get a bit tricky if you are nursing in public.

The thing about Bras..they are not just suppose to be something that covers & support our boobies. It is also the ultimate weapon to aid us in feeling good. So when you feel good, your boobies looks good too. Am I right, hot mamas?

Also, give them darlings a nice massage during showers. Let them freshen up once a while. ;)

Breastfeeding to be Blamed for Saggy Tits?

Recently and even many times before, many moms on www.susuibu.com forum keep on asking and discussing on will breastfeed distort or sag their breast.

To me, it is only logical that time and gravity will take toll on our darling pair of boobies.

Then this morning I found this article on iVillage newsletter.

Saggy breasts: Will they ever perk up again after weaning?

by Debbi Donovan, IBCLC (see more from this expert)

Q:I have a post-breastfeeding question. I breastfed my baby for seven months. I just weaned him over a month ago. My breasts have gone down almost to my original bra size. However, they do not look or feel anything like they did before I breastfed. They are very saggy for one thing. They also feel so empty. I know I'm used to them being full of milk, but this is like there is nothing inside of them -- not even breast tissue. Will they ever perk up again?

A:It can be surprising after weaning (or after pregnancy, in non-nursing moms) to see how your breasts have changed. Breast changes occur in all women as they age, and not just in women who have given birth (or breastfed).

How your breasts change during a pregnancy is related to genetics, skin elasticity and amount of weight gain. Avoidance of smoking and excessive sun exposure can help the skin to retain its elasticity.

Breastfeeding often gets blamed for the sagging of breasts. Actually, it is pregnancy and not nursing that affects the shape and size of your breasts. Breastfeeding and gradual weaning make it more likely that fat will be redeposited in your breasts, helping them to regain more of their pre-pregnancy appearance (Minchin, 1989).

Usually by about six months after weaning, your breasts will have returned to more of their pre-pregnancy look. They also will feel more dense, as fatty tissue begins to fill them out again.

Read more: http://parenting.ivillage.com/baby/bbreastfeed/0,,3wvw,00.html?nlcid=pb|10-26-2009|#ixzz0V4zBo9Hz

So whether you breastfeed or not, your breast will have changes to it...

And my advice is to invest on a great bra and don't limit yourself to those granny bra or nursing bra only. For over 17months of breastfeeding, I'm proud to declair that I only have 1 bright pink nursing bra (gift from bitch when i became a mom) and the rest of my collection are the front-hook "hip & happening" bras. Front hooks are also a great solution for breastfeeding mom. You just unhook it, feed & hook it, but it does get a bit tricky if you are nursing in public.

The thing about Bras..they are not just suppose to be something that covers & support our boobies. It is also the ultimate weapon to aid us in feeling good. So when you feel good, your boobies looks good too. Am I right, hot mamas?

Also, give them darlings a nice massage during showers. Let them freshen up once a while. ;)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Today......Not so many years ago.........

"During the past few decades, we have lived in a culture that has privileged fame, money & power. Many of us have been led to believe that these were the only values worth pursuing, unaware that the real, behind-the-scenes manipulators remain anonymous" - preface of the Author - The Winner Stands Alone. A great book as a birthday present to me from Papa Miya.

-psssst..cake tu papa miya buat....

Today......Not so many years ago.........

"During the past few decades, we have lived in a culture that has privileged fame, money & power. Many of us have been led to believe that these were the only values worth pursuing, unaware that the real, behind-the-scenes manipulators remain anonymous" - preface of the Author - The Winner Stands Alone. A great book as a birthday present to me from Papa Miya.

-psssst..cake tu papa miya buat....

Friday, October 23, 2009

Breastfeeding Father?

No..I didn't mean that dad should suapkan their man boobs to their child. What I'm saying is that dads can help with breastfeeding.

A new dad might think that his role in breastfeeding is a minor one. So...NOT!

Studies show that the attitude of the baby's father is the most important factor in whether or not a mother begins and continues to breastfeed. Betul tak ladies? If our anchor tak support us to BF our kids, kejap aje la kita BF anak kita tu. We might not even reach the 6months BF milestone pun kan?

"Dad's instinct is to protect his new family. One way you can do that is by supporting your partner's decision to breastfeed. You can read books about breastfeeding or attend classes on breastfeeding with your partner. You can also help by discouraging others from criticizing your partner's decision to breastfeed, especially in the early weeks.

Dads teach their babies that there is more to love than food, and that there is a world outside of Mommy. Forging your own relationship with your baby will enrich both your lives — and Mom's, too.

Find your own way to have fun with the baby. Take charge of baths, or walk baby around in a soft carrier, or be the one to introduce squeaky toys and rattles. And remember, new babies love to nap on Dad's warm chest."

Content courtesy of March of Dimes.

Breastfeeding Father?

No..I didn't mean that dad should suapkan their man boobs to their child. What I'm saying is that dads can help with breastfeeding.

A new dad might think that his role in breastfeeding is a minor one. So...NOT!

Studies show that the attitude of the baby's father is the most important factor in whether or not a mother begins and continues to breastfeed. Betul tak ladies? If our anchor tak support us to BF our kids, kejap aje la kita BF anak kita tu. We might not even reach the 6months BF milestone pun kan?

"Dad's instinct is to protect his new family. One way you can do that is by supporting your partner's decision to breastfeed. You can read books about breastfeeding or attend classes on breastfeeding with your partner. You can also help by discouraging others from criticizing your partner's decision to breastfeed, especially in the early weeks.

Dads teach their babies that there is more to love than food, and that there is a world outside of Mommy. Forging your own relationship with your baby will enrich both your lives — and Mom's, too.

Find your own way to have fun with the baby. Take charge of baths, or walk baby around in a soft carrier, or be the one to introduce squeaky toys and rattles. And remember, new babies love to nap on Dad's warm chest."

Content courtesy of March of Dimes.

Indoor Activities with your Toddler

Wow..tak sangka anak kita membesar that fast. Feels like its only yesterday when she's a tiny wee newborn cutesy cuddly hunnybun sugarplum pumkinyumkin. Sekelip mata aje anak kita dah jadi big girl... and you can see that during this toddlerhood, anak kita seems to be very hungry for knowledge & adventure. So how can you play and teach anak, while at the same time spend valuable time with them.

Here's some ideas:

1) Play "cave", "camping" or "pondok-pondok"

Tie or hang a large sheet above your dining table or anything that you can hang them on to. Buat ala-ala khemah. Put some teddies and treasures under the khemah, and go adventuring with your toddler! This will be lots of fun and in a way will educate your toddler to think creatively. There is no harm in indulging into some imagination.

2) Toddler fashion jewellery

Well since we are ladies and we love fashion & dress up, we can share our passion with out toddler tak kisah la anak kita girl or boy. So what can we do?

  • Your toddler will adore making making necklaces untuk diri dia or untuk kita. Like Miya, dia pantang jumpa benda bertali-tali, mesti dia sarung kat leher dia ala-ala pakai nacklace/handbag. As an activity bersama anak, we can help our toddler thread some string through some penne pasta, some small doughnut-shaped cereal, buttons, rolls of paper, beads besar and anything that is suitable. You could paint the pasta first and talk about the patterns formed as you make the necklaces.
  • Making handbags! get an old shopping bag or make your own using paper. then let your toddler decorate it.
As for me & miya, macam2 aje we all buat. Janji we all perasan tengah bergaya pilih gelang mami jarum or dressing up nak jd catwalk model utk fashion collection in Milan..Kikikiki..

3) Making train sets

As we all know, toddlers love train sets. I pun tak paham kenapa, but mmg common we see toddlers can sit for hours playing trains. So berbaloi kita ada train set untuk dia..tapi kan, not all parents could afford to be buying toys for their child.

As for us, we've decided that it is better to be spending money on books for Miya (ye la, menayampah, beli then kejap aje dia excited and lepas tu entah mana2 dia campak or ignore the toy) and so most of her toys, Miya & I will be making them. So we made our own train set. Very sempoi.

  • get a few boxes like bekas telur, kotak ubat gigi, kotak door gift kenduri kahwin, kotak teh and apa-apa kotak yg kecil.
  • Then make holes on the sides of the box and pull strings thru each box (macam masukkan beads dlm strings nak buat rantai tu la), tapi make sure the head is a box of the biggest size among them all.
  • Bila dah siap, main la train2 dgn anak. For me & miya, sometimes dia jadi train, sometimes its kapal tunda and sometimes its a very big worm trying to kejar miya. You can choose apa-apa aje tema untuk bermain. So both you & anak will start thinking creatively while having lots of fun.

Selamat mencuba & don't forget, the main target is to HAVE FUN!!

Do share with us your activities so that we can try too.

Indoor Activities with your Toddler

Wow..tak sangka anak kita membesar that fast. Feels like its only yesterday when she's a tiny wee newborn cutesy cuddly hunnybun sugarplum pumkinyumkin. Sekelip mata aje anak kita dah jadi big girl... and you can see that during this toddlerhood, anak kita seems to be very hungry for knowledge & adventure. So how can you play and teach anak, while at the same time spend valuable time with them.

Here's some ideas:

1) Play "cave", "camping" or "pondok-pondok"

Tie or hang a large sheet above your dining table or anything that you can hang them on to. Buat ala-ala khemah. Put some teddies and treasures under the khemah, and go adventuring with your toddler! This will be lots of fun and in a way will educate your toddler to think creatively. There is no harm in indulging into some imagination.

2) Toddler fashion jewellery

Well since we are ladies and we love fashion & dress up, we can share our passion with out toddler tak kisah la anak kita girl or boy. So what can we do?

  • Your toddler will adore making making necklaces untuk diri dia or untuk kita. Like Miya, dia pantang jumpa benda bertali-tali, mesti dia sarung kat leher dia ala-ala pakai nacklace/handbag. As an activity bersama anak, we can help our toddler thread some string through some penne pasta, some small doughnut-shaped cereal, buttons, rolls of paper, beads besar and anything that is suitable. You could paint the pasta first and talk about the patterns formed as you make the necklaces.
  • Making handbags! get an old shopping bag or make your own using paper. then let your toddler decorate it.
As for me & miya, macam2 aje we all buat. Janji we all perasan tengah bergaya pilih gelang mami jarum or dressing up nak jd catwalk model utk fashion collection in Milan..Kikikiki..

3) Making train sets

As we all know, toddlers love train sets. I pun tak paham kenapa, but mmg common we see toddlers can sit for hours playing trains. So berbaloi kita ada train set untuk dia..tapi kan, not all parents could afford to be buying toys for their child.

As for us, we've decided that it is better to be spending money on books for Miya (ye la, menayampah, beli then kejap aje dia excited and lepas tu entah mana2 dia campak or ignore the toy) and so most of her toys, Miya & I will be making them. So we made our own train set. Very sempoi.

  • get a few boxes like bekas telur, kotak ubat gigi, kotak door gift kenduri kahwin, kotak teh and apa-apa kotak yg kecil.
  • Then make holes on the sides of the box and pull strings thru each box (macam masukkan beads dlm strings nak buat rantai tu la), tapi make sure the head is a box of the biggest size among them all.
  • Bila dah siap, main la train2 dgn anak. For me & miya, sometimes dia jadi train, sometimes its kapal tunda and sometimes its a very big worm trying to kejar miya. You can choose apa-apa aje tema untuk bermain. So both you & anak will start thinking creatively while having lots of fun.

Selamat mencuba & don't forget, the main target is to HAVE FUN!!

Do share with us your activities so that we can try too.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Boobfeed Toddler Pengsan?

Boobfeed Toddler Pengsan?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mystery Box

Mystery Box is a fun game to play with your child.

1) Get a Box. I used a shoe box.
2) Make a hole on it of the size of your fist.
3) Decorate it if you want.

4) Get some tiny stuff that you want to show/teach your child.
5) Show the object to her and put it in the box. Make sure she is looking at what your are doing. Sambil tu kata "See this..mama is putting the crayon/mouse/toy into the box.."

6) Then get her to put her hand into the box and search for the object.

7) When she pulls the object/any object out. Ask her what is it and then tell her the name of that thing. "Wow.. Apa tu? Its a Crayon. A red Crayon".

We had lots of fun with this box and hope mommies out there will try it and share their experience here too.

Mystery Box

Mystery Box is a fun game to play with your child.

1) Get a Box. I used a shoe box.
2) Make a hole on it of the size of your fist.
3) Decorate it if you want.

4) Get some tiny stuff that you want to show/teach your child.
5) Show the object to her and put it in the box. Make sure she is looking at what your are doing. Sambil tu kata "See this..mama is putting the crayon/mouse/toy into the box.."

6) Then get her to put her hand into the box and search for the object.

7) When she pulls the object/any object out. Ask her what is it and then tell her the name of that thing. "Wow.. Apa tu? Its a Crayon. A red Crayon".

We had lots of fun with this box and hope mommies out there will try it and share their experience here too.

Mama cut off Miya's bangs!!

All the pictures above are Miya's recent hair styles. But today, Mama gave her a mini makeover. Mama potong rambut Miya...Kikiki..Nasib la kena potong rambut dengan stylist yang tak bertauliah.

This is Miya's 2nd haircut. The 1st one was when she was 7days old, when her Nenek shaved every single hair off her head.

Ever since then, her hair grow slowly and I think its a sign of mogok. Kikikiki..

But recently, her hair has turned into a scraggly mop. She hates having to brush her bangs off from her face. She hates wearing “pretties” to hold her hair back out of her face. I pakaikan hair clip, sekejap aje lekat. Then she will pull it off, unless she puts them in herself, which is not exactly an attractive look either. I suppose I could just get over myself and let her do what she wants with her hair, since it is her hair........

But I am a control freak. So this morning, I just cut off her bangs. Miya buat muka blur-blur aje, as if "Hoh..apa Mama buat ni?"

Mama cut off Miya's bangs!!

All the pictures above are Miya's recent hair styles. But today, Mama gave her a mini makeover. Mama potong rambut Miya...Kikiki..Nasib la kena potong rambut dengan stylist yang tak bertauliah.

This is Miya's 2nd haircut. The 1st one was when she was 7days old, when her Nenek shaved every single hair off her head.

Ever since then, her hair grow slowly and I think its a sign of mogok. Kikikiki..

But recently, her hair has turned into a scraggly mop. She hates having to brush her bangs off from her face. She hates wearing “pretties” to hold her hair back out of her face. I pakaikan hair clip, sekejap aje lekat. Then she will pull it off, unless she puts them in herself, which is not exactly an attractive look either. I suppose I could just get over myself and let her do what she wants with her hair, since it is her hair........

But I am a control freak. So this morning, I just cut off her bangs. Miya buat muka blur-blur aje, as if "Hoh..apa Mama buat ni?"

FUCK YOU UP!!! son of a bitch