Lately ni tidur dah mula tak lena. Bukan sebab fizikal or gangguan luaran, tapi gangguan mimpi.
During my 1st pregnancy, I did have some series of weird dream. Some buat I kerap terjaga. Some buat tak boleh lena terus after that. Most of them happen at 3rd trimester.
Tapi this time around it comes early. Almost every night and even during day nap, I will have mimpi yang karut sangat. Some are funny, some are horror, some mencabar iman/hati isteri/mother and some are totally 18sx. Hihihihi...Mimpi makan soup ular, mimpi anak hilang, mimpi ada darurat & terpisah dgn suami, mimpi kita bunuh orang, mimpi boleh terbang sambil jd super mom, mimpi jadi well respected leader, mimpi boleh maki mat motor harley sukasuki dan macam-macam lagi. tak boleh ku cerita detailnye. Biarlah rahsia. :P
So kenapa this is happening?
Tak silap, from my reading time 1st pregnancy dulu, weird dreams are common sebab our subconscious are flooded with worry thought for the unborn child plus the usual stuff we moms slalu worry (dah mmg semulajadi, we ladies think a lot). So luahan perasaan ni hanya can come through thru dreams. Jangan di interpret sebab its just a purge of our worrisome emotions. Bukanlah mimpi worth interpreting by Nabi Yusuf. Hik hik hik..
Moreover, our body tengah flooded by hormones. So hormones ni amplified pulak kuasa subconscious kita ni. As a result, slalu lah kita mimpi entah apa-apa.
take care ya. I can't remember what kind of dream i had during my first pregnancy. tapi yang tak boleh lupa mimpi baby boy and it's true. he is a boy..
i nk la mimpi leh terbang jadik super mom tu ahhahaha
sy pernah mimpi kena kejar.. penat gila.. yg heran tu, time tu dah msk 3rd trimester dah. mimpi lari sungguh2 hati. kalo in real life confirm xlarat dah nak usung perut. haha
masa tak mengandung pun mimpi yg pelik2. habis mcmmana tu?
seingat kakyong pernah mengigau masa pregnant kan Aliya.. sampai terjerit2.. mujur suami ade kat sebelah.. try recall, tp tak ingat mimpi apa...
huhhh... tu la kena marah dgn suami.. tidur tak baca doa ke tak basuh kaki... hmmm...
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