Motherhood is perhaps the most wonderful and cherished stage of a woman's life. However, being a mother isn't always the easiest thing in the world..... especially if you are pregnant with your second child.
You have a duty to make sure your household doesn't fall apart, a responsibility in mothering your child, an obligation to ensure your body is healthy for the growing foetus and most of all, ensuring that your darling husband doesn't feel neglected.
I guess Allah sahaja tahu betapa beratnya responsibility kita ni kan? Nak kena buat semua benda ni while being so tired, mabuk, cramping here and there, mood swings, no appetite and macam-macam lagi lah. Ni semua kerja durjana hormones la ni. We are not like our usual self. As for me, there are times I feel so frustrated with myself because I know I can do better or I know I can do it well if I am not pregnant, but nothing is happening.
So how are we going to perform our duty as a supermom while our hormones are shooting up to millions and being cruel to us. Here are some tips:
1) Have a strong mentality and always blame it on the hormones if things doesn't go well. I know playing blaming game is not good, but atleast it gives you a certain comfort after knowing your weakness.
2) Try not to be a control freak, as there are things we can and can't do.....and there are things beyond the control of a pregnant woman. Maybe dulu we can do a million things in 1 hour, but now it may take it a whole day or 2 to complete it. Or maybe dulu we do things in certain perfect way in the best manner, but now due to morning sickness or sakit-sakit badan, we do things less perfect. Don't sweat it, just syukur that atleast your get the job done. Work with the flow & not against them.
3) Ask (or beg) your hubby for help in completing certain chores that might be too "heavy" for you. As for me, usually I mintak hubby tolong buat laundry (no more heavy lifting for me after the spotting dulu), get groceries on the way home from work and at times bila I mabuk, I will ask him to do the cooking. Since I can't smell bahan tumis-tumis, usually I will prepare the stuff for cooking. Then I duduk jauh sikit (with tutup mulut & hidung dengan towel) while he cooks under my instruction. Tapi jangan lupa to appreciate and thank them ok? However, kalau suami tak dapat nak bantu apa-apa, mintak sajalah moral support, urut-urut skit and babysit anak while kita rest pun jadilah kan. Janji ada kita rasa that, "Yes we are functioning well as a team and in this together". Sometimes all we need is just a positive support to make the world a better place while we are having self-doubt.
4) Be comfortable. To be comfortable is to dress comfortable, to have a comfortable daily routine (plan & organize to make things easier to do) that works for a 1st trimester preggo, to do your daily chores comfortably at a comfortable pace, to have food that you are comfortable with, and many many more comfortable stuff that can help a tired/nauseated/moody pregnant mom go thru her day, without having a breakdown. It may sound mengada-ngada, but this is what works for us and the last thing we need is something stressful to add to the existing 1st trimester pressure.
These are a few stuff that works for me. How about you?