About my Blog

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My 2nd Pregnancy- No such thing as a confident pregnancy!!

It's time to make it official. Yes Mommies, I'm pregnant!!

Well... we found it out early as soon as the 5th week because we were trying for our 2nd child and the minute my period was late, with no hesitation I did the home-pregnancy-test.

Alhamdulillah this time around the morning sickness is not as bad as when I was carrying Miya. Teringat lagi kisah 6weeks pregnant with Miya, when I was hospitalized for 3days & kena drip about 14 bags of fluids. The morning sickness was so bad. I could not hold anything down to the point I was severly dehydrated.

For this 2nd pregnancy, so far I will feel mabuk if my tummy build up wind sebab kosong. Memang lah kerja I kena makan aje. Tapi makan sikit-sikit aje. If too much, there comes the heartburn or bubling gas. Haa..pastu rasa senak or nak muntah la.

Now 8 weeks pregnant, something similar of both pregnancy occurs. Last Saturday I started to have spotting. I didn't pay much attention as I thought that it might have something to do with my UTI. However, the spotting becomes heavier when Monday comes. Suddenly I mula teringat my bleeding during early pregnancy time carry Miya. At that time the doctor gave me a hormonal jab (dah le mahal RM120 sekali cucuk, sakit giler plak tu) and I was put to bed rest for a few days.

Thinking that this is a similar case, I called my GP and she told me to rush to the ER of the Women's Hospital that I've registered with. After almost 5hours with them, 1 urine test, 1 blood test, basic medical check-up, 1001 questions of medical history, 2 uterine sample; the doctor finally concluded that my pregnancy is safe for now and almost everything doesn't point to the miscarriage. However, they are not 100% sure unless I come over again the next day for an ultrasound scan.

And so, the next day, tergedek-gedek Miya & I jalan to the ER for that Ultrasound appointment. Yang bengkeknye, since we are at the ER, they will have to make way for more urgent case dulu. Jadinya berjanggut la Miya menunggu and Mama-nya nak terlelap-lelap dah.

Anyway, Alhamdulillah bila scan, we saw the heartbeat. Miya pun cam pelik aje. Gambar apa doktor tunjuk kat screen tu. I said "Miya, that's your adik". Dia makin blur kat situ. Gelak aje la I, the Midwife & the Doctor.

So the doctor concluded that the ada luka sikit aje. Dunno the reason. Maybe ada silap ke or terlasak or maybe the baby is just growing fast. Only if the bleeding doesn't stop in another week or 2, I kena rush to the ER again.

The lesson I learned here, there is no such thing as a confident pregnancy even though you have had the experience before. Worrying is the key to a healthy pregnancy..hahahhahha...But over-worrying is another. :P

If any moms out there are planning for 2nd pregnancy, I would recommend on getting your hand on this book "Twice Blessed" . It was one of my must haves and now I'm enjoying the read.


Ila said...

tahniah mama miya...semua org dah dpt adik skrg,faiz je belum...hhehee

My_Aqeelah said...

tahniah! semoga semuanya berjalan lancar. harap seisi keluarga sihat. AMEEN.

Ina Hashim said...

congrats mama-miya....take care ok :)

fiza said...

Congrats ija. Yeay....miya akan dapat kawan (^_^).

Take good care of yourself ok, jgn lasak².

ummiaqeef said...


Just Call Me Bitt said...

wahhhh congrats!!!!!!!!! lepas ni mia ade kawan

irvanqiesy said...

congrats ye... hope everything goes well... yeay miya nk dpt adik...

Asma said...

congrats dear..n miya dah nk jd kakak...apepun take care k...hepi till rasa sebak pulak..hehehe..

Momma Mia said...

huuhu congrat mama miya!!!
no wonder lama gak menyepi. Hope u & baby doing ok. Take care dear!!

nieda said...


eRaY said...

miya gonna be big sister soon

take care of urself n baby
hehhe eray pun de niat nak tambah
tapi tunggu rayna besar skit :D

e.l.i.s.s.m.i.e said...

oh, tahniah! yeay! miya nak dpt adik dah.ada lah kawan pasni. ngeri jugak pengalaman pertama you.me , so far dulu Alhamdulillah, tak teruk sgt.hopefully for the 2nd one pun sama..bilalah agaknya yer..hehehe

Redcomel said...

ija... tahniah...ija jaga kesihatan ye.

Lynn Nasir said...

tahniah mama miya! soon to add another bb ^^

alhamdulillah everything was okay. doalah hari2 agar selamat bb and mommy sampai la ke hari deliver nanti. seram gak ye kalo ada spotting masa preggy. syukran mine was not like that..alhamdulillah..dah setahun lebih my 2nd blessing tu..hehe!

Ely Hasrul said...

congrats babe!!! xpe u ngan yg kecik tu kuat.. miya apetah lagik.. insya allah sume ok..

kiss menantu aku

ibuaiman said...

Alhamdulillah semuanya selamat. Saya pernah ada experience miss abortion ms 2nd pregnancy(before Aqilah). Jadi setiap kali pregnant, mmg tidak saya nafikan rasa takut tu akan datang dalam hati saya, rasa trauma,takut peristiwa itu berulang lagi. Hanya kepada Allah saya berserah dan setiap saat saya berdoa semoga baby saya akan selamat dan sihat dalam kandungan.Sekarang saya sudah masuk 7weeks pregnancy, EDD kita lebih kurang sama kan Mamamiya...:)

sue said...

wahhhh..bestnya!!! tahniah!!!

yatie chomeyl said...

congrates dear. nanti miya dh ada kawan nak main..best nya ;)

ummu faqeh said...

salam..ija,lama tak dgr berita..rupa2nya dah berisi yer..alhamdulillah..so happy dengar berita baik nih..TAHNIAH ija..mg dipermudahkan urusan semuanya..amin!

:: m.u.n.i.r.a :: said...

take care dear.....

Nadiah Sidek said...

yg bleeding ms ngandungkan miya tu pun tak tau sbb apa ye? risau kan kalau bleeding time pregnant

Umi Nuha said...

take care..

Dayah said...

Congratulations Mama-mIya..mesti bst sbb Miya dah nak dapat adik..take care ok..

mommy icha said...


CONGRATULATIONS!!!! hadha pulak yg excited.. dah agak dah masa baca update ija kat Fb tu hihihi! :p

NURUL IZZA said...


akak pregnant ni miya umur brapa ya

Confession of a Coffeeholic Mama-Miya said...

thank you kawan2. insyaAllah will all you well wishes & doa, we will be ok all the way.

miya dah nak kena ada adik, supaya cepat skit dia mature & learn responsibility. :D ingatkan 2thn tu still little time manjakan Miya, but sekarang dah naik lemak dah ni.

so now me & ibu aiman la about the same EDD. ada sapa lg nak join? :D

azura said...

hai ija!

lamanya x jumpe..tahniah untuk 2nd pregnancy..best nyaaaa...nak masuk 2 dh..

semoga semuanya selamat k..

doakanlah org yg tak dpt2 ni :(

AlohaMolly said...

Wow. Great n good news indeed! Take good n greeat care..:) welcome to secondtimeparenthood club ;)


AlohaMolly said...

Congrats n hav a manageable pregnancy!;)

nadnye said...

tahniah sis... miya nak jadik kakak..:P

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