At the age of 2-3 years old, it is natural for a child to become more creative & imaginative.
He/she will learn the function of a paint brush strokes or a line from a crayon. From a certain combination of lines/strokes, the child can create shapes. Shapes can then create characters.
From there, their imagination and pretend play are in use.
Here's what we did today with coloured papers, scissors, glue, hole puncher, pen & marker.
We made Baa Baa Fashionista Sheep With Pink Shoes.
And Itsy Bitsy Witsy Stylo Spider.
After dah siap the artwork, try to get the child to explain or tell a story about the artwork. Then you tell your version of the story pula.
creative!!! nk buat jugak la..
eh.. u pregnant ke? :)
Bast nya buat activiti mcm nih. Ada gak terfikir nak buat ngan iman, tapi tak terbeli² lagi barang.
menariknya!!!miya dah pandai guna gunting? i tak pernah bagi lagi aqilah guna gunting takut terluka jarinya. blh dah bg ye?
Nice sharing indeed. Me add montessori-adaptation activity for my tot lately.
I love art n craft time wit my son sabar nak intro this kind of activity plak..;)
menarik jugak ni aktiviti ni...
nti nk try wat jugak lah..
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