During hari-hari cuti Papa, we all went to SCIENCEWORKS. Scienceworks is a great place to challenge curious minds and keep active bodies busy. Scienceworks makes learning about science and technology a fun, interactive adventure.
Miya, Mama & Papa seronok sangat spending quality family time while getting educational benefit.
Do you guys do these kind of activities too with your family? Miya hope so too.. 

-psst...sorry semua gambar kecil. just click on it to enlarge. ;)
bestnye...definitely Miya n family enjoy sgt2 kan..
seronoknya miya with those activities...
wish my kids have the same fun time...
happy new year mama miya..seronoknya miya bermain main
kalau kat mesia ni ada pusat sains negara n petrosains la, tapi tula, tak berpeluang lagi bawa my son ke sana,will go soon...
hi miya...long time aunty not visit here..o.kalo kat msia.tmpat ni mcm petrosains la.mmg seronok activities cmni.aufa pun suka.tapi boleh pi bila abi coti2 n free jela.:)
yeap.. one of their feveret activities la Miya, abg double U suka sangat, Sarah belum sampai lagi..
Scienceworks cam best la
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